- Jul 21, 2000
- 2
BACKGROUND. I work at Caltrans, and we are required to use linear patterns for delineation. Linear patterns are not that great because they do not retain their identity as part of the original line. This means that you can't just move or delete the linear patterned line as it is. I've been getting around this by using the "delete pattern" command, which basically "undoes" the patterning. Then I can modify or delete the original line as I wish. Later on I can re-linear pattern the line, if needed.<br><br>THE PROBLEM. Unfortunately the "delete pattern" command is no longer working on some of my linear patterned elements. One of two odd things has been happening when I try to "delete pattern" on these particular elements: 1) The "delete" pattern command does not recognize that the little pattern piece that I am clicking on used to be part of a bigger line, and it seems to be just trying to un-pattern the little piece; otherwise 2) The "delete" pattern command recognizes that this little pattern piece used to be part of a bigger line. However, instead of re-displaying the original line, it appears that the command is deleting the original line.<br><br>ANY IDEAS OR POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS???<br>Thank you!<br>