- Nov 17, 2006
- 4,238
I have only been working as an engineer for (1) year so please forgive me if this question comes across as "stupid".
Here is the question:
The new 13th edition manual (Section J4.2 and J4.3 pp16.1-112) has equation J4-4 which gives the shear rupture capacity of a member or connection element at the connection. Anv is listed as the net area subject to shear. If you have a double angle shear connection with (4)bolts going through the beam flange, the shear rupture Anv would not include the area above the top bolt for the angles). Is that an accurate statement? If that is an inaccurate statement please explain how? If it is an accurate statement, then why would block shear have to be checked since Anv + Ant will always be greater than just Anv for shear rupture.
For the connection I mention above, the shear rupture would cause a shear rupture below the bolts leaving the vertical edge distance above the top bolt intact. The block shear failure would fail the same shear area PLUS a tension failure for the horizontal edge distance to the right (or left depending how you are viewing the connection) of the top bolt.
In this instance, wouldn't the shear rupture capacity ALWAYS be less than the block shear capacity?
I know the block shear now has a shear yielding component in it, but this seems very minor compared to the relatively large tensile area that is added in the block shear calc.
Here is the question:
The new 13th edition manual (Section J4.2 and J4.3 pp16.1-112) has equation J4-4 which gives the shear rupture capacity of a member or connection element at the connection. Anv is listed as the net area subject to shear. If you have a double angle shear connection with (4)bolts going through the beam flange, the shear rupture Anv would not include the area above the top bolt for the angles). Is that an accurate statement? If that is an inaccurate statement please explain how? If it is an accurate statement, then why would block shear have to be checked since Anv + Ant will always be greater than just Anv for shear rupture.
For the connection I mention above, the shear rupture would cause a shear rupture below the bolts leaving the vertical edge distance above the top bolt intact. The block shear failure would fail the same shear area PLUS a tension failure for the horizontal edge distance to the right (or left depending how you are viewing the connection) of the top bolt.
In this instance, wouldn't the shear rupture capacity ALWAYS be less than the block shear capacity?
I know the block shear now has a shear yielding component in it, but this seems very minor compared to the relatively large tensile area that is added in the block shear calc.