- Jul 26, 2004
- 56
I'm redesigning a ventilation system for a type II hood (bread only, non-portable unit). Originally an engineering firm designed a national system for Subway that absolutely did not work, so Subway hired us to redesign it to remove the bread odor and heat generated from the equipment. The million dollar question is, what is ASHRAE's recommended CAPTURE VELOCITY for this type of application. Also NUVU Engineering (the firm that originally designed this), couldn't give me a CFM that would successfully remove the now I'm stuck with a ridiculously easy design, but know concrete data to start with. Any answers guys. 300-500 fpm capture velocity sound right, with a transport velocity @ 1,000-2000 fpm?
I'm redesigning a ventilation system for a type II hood (bread only, non-portable unit). Originally an engineering firm designed a national system for Subway that absolutely did not work, so Subway hired us to redesign it to remove the bread odor and heat generated from the equipment. The million dollar question is, what is ASHRAE's recommended CAPTURE VELOCITY for this type of application. Also NUVU Engineering (the firm that originally designed this), couldn't give me a CFM that would successfully remove the now I'm stuck with a ridiculously easy design, but know concrete data to start with. Any answers guys. 300-500 fpm capture velocity sound right, with a transport velocity @ 1,000-2000 fpm?