Ok guys here is the problem, I'm trying to simplify my code to avoid unwanted mistakes to happen, because there are still problem using catia with the Sleep function(my computer sometimes is slow)
To simplify my code which is meant to create planar sections of an element using various planes, im currently transforming the code to call the planar section just once and not everytime i have a different plane.
BUT... Catia doesn't like it... at all
I can make the first section, make that the panel of planarSections stays activated but when I select another plane to apply the section on, it selects it but doesn't use it for the section ?!
If you have any idea to help me solve my problem I'll be gratefull.
Here is the code i use
To simplify my code which is meant to create planar sections of an element using various planes, im currently transforming the code to call the planar section just once and not everytime i have a different plane.
BUT... Catia doesn't like it... at all
I can make the first section, make that the panel of planarSections stays activated but when I select another plane to apply the section on, it selects it but doesn't use it for the section ?!
If you have any idea to help me solve my problem I'll be gratefull.
Here is the code i use
CATIA.StartCommand "Planar Sections"
WScript.Sleep 100
oSelection.Search "Name=" & namer ' name of the element to apply the section on
WScript.Sleep 200
oSelection.Search "Name=plane0" 'selection of the first plane with which one will be applied the section
WScript.Sleep 200
for i=0 to 14 ' loop to reqch the apply button
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}", TRUE
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}", TRUE ''sendkey enter to "clic" on the apply button previously selected
WScript.Sleep 400
For j = 1 to (num-1) ' loop to select the other planes created before this part of code an apply the section for all of them
WScript.Sleep 100
oSelection.Search "Name=plane" & CLng(360/num*j)
tggt = oSelection.count
WScript.Sleep 200
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}", TRUE
WScript.Sleep 200
for i=0 to 15 'loop to reach the OK button
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}", TRUE
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}", TRUE ' clic on OK button
WScript.Sleep 100
oSelection.Search "Name=" & "Planar Sections." & "*, all" 'select all the created sections to hide them
WScript.Sleep 200
Set VisPropertySet1 = oSelection.visProperties
VisPropertySet1.SetShow 1 ' hidding the selcion
WScript.Sleep 200