- Nov 11, 2011
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I have been doing mostly residential and some light commercial structural work for about 14 years. The small company I am currently with has been mostly residential and maybe 5% light commercial for about the same amount of time. The owners have mechanical degrees and one of them has several years of experience at a mechanical firm, so they have gotten into MEP work since the second owner came aboard. They have hired another MEP engineer and several draftsmen for that side of the business. My problem that I am running into is that I am a one-man structural department with no drafting help…and the company has been bidding structural work to go along with the MEP work; structural work that is out of my wheelhouse, especially since I don't have a mentor to work with. They have recently put me in charge of two industrial projects. The first was a smaller tilt-up job and I had the tilt-up design guide, which has helped me get through it. There wasn't anything overly complex with that job. The other project is a bigger industrial job where complex equipment support design is involved. This is beyond anything I have done before and I have told one of the owners via email a few days ago that I am nervous about taking on this bigger job on my own, with no response from him - so I have continued on. I have a M.Eng. in civil (structural emphasis), which has helped, but I feel overwhelmed because I can't come up with the design as quickly as the client wants it done and am feeling the pressure. I kind of feel like what I would imagine a general practice family doctor would feel like if ordered to perform heart surgery on a patient. I think if I had a lot more time I could get the design dialed in, but I don't feel like I (being a one-man engineer/drafting show) have enough time to research what needs to be included in the design in the time frame that's being asked of me. Does anyone have suggestions as to how to approach this situation? My current thought is to suggest to the owner that I do not want to seal the structural drawings since I have never done a project of this magnitude - that he must contract or hire an engineer with experience in industrial design to take the lead on this project while I serve under him/her.