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Component Creator - with Smart Sorting feature 1


Nov 26, 2023
Hello everyone,

I'd like to introduce my latest creation: Captain Hook's Component Creator. Infused with a touch of nautical flair, this tool is designed to streamline the process of component creation within Siemens NX, locally and when integrated with Teamcenter environments.

Under the Hood:
- Local: The tool searches for the first sequential component labeled "-101". It then generates the next available component number. These components aren't saved; they are created for you to save if you are satisfied with the outcome. The journal searches through your library, session, and memory for the component name you have set, checking for available or missing numbers to avoid duplication. The names for the components will be derived from the names of the solid bodies. If a solid body does not have an assigned name, the default name “Panel” will be used.
- Teamcenter: The tool employs a two-round approach to ensure each component is sequentially numbered and accurately tracked in Teamcenter. You can use both the first and second rounds or only the second, depending on your requirements.
Round One: Sets and saves an initial ID number, anchoring the starting point for a sequence.
Round Two: Uses a substitute wildcard number to generate subsequent IDs, which requires experimenting with formats like "*" (star).

- Smart Sorting: Utilizes EasyWeight or NX's built-in material attributes to sort solid bodies by material name and weight in descending order or retains the order of your initial selection.
- Unit Support: Adapts to both metric (millimeters) and imperial (inches) units within material names.
- EasyWeight Integration: Updates all weight information before component creation with automatic recognition of the unit system.
- Configuration Settings with detailed descriptions at the beginning of the Journal: WaveLink options, flagging created components to avoid duplication, controlling numbering gaps for local environment and Teamcenter option.

This tool is ideal for mechanical engineers and designers using Siemens NX who require an automated method to create components in complex assemblies, particularly beneficial in large-scale projects.

The journal has been thoroughly tested on Siemens NX 2212 and 2306 and is designed for easy customization to fit specific project requirements. For more detailed examples and configuration settings see comments at the beginning of the journal.

Happy designing!

Shared on NXJournaling.com:
and on GitHub:

' Written by Tamas Woller - February 2024, V103
' Journal desciption: Automatically create parts by requesting you a main component name. Select solid bodies to create components for.
' Shared on NXJournaling.com
' Written in VB.Net
' Tested on Siemens NX 2212 and 2306, Native and Teamcenter 13
' V100 - Initial Release - January 2024
' V101 - Body flag system Fix
' V103 - Smart Sorting with EasyWeight or NX's built-in material attributes, Metric (Millimeters) and Imperial (Inches) unit support in Material name, WaveLink Option, Flag Created Components Option, Control Numbering Gaps Option and added Configuration Settings
' V105 - Added notes and minor changes in Output Window
' V107 - Update EasyWeight's EW_Body_Weight attribute before sorting
' V109 - Added 'Maybe' to sorting
' V111 - TC with custom numbering

Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Assemblies
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Module NXJournal
	Dim theSession As NXOpen.Session = NXOpen.Session.GetSession()
	Dim theUFSession As NXOpen.UF.UFSession = NXOpen.UF.UFSession.GetUFSession()
	Dim workPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Work
	Dim mainAssembly As Part = If(workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent IsNot Nothing, workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent.Prototype, workPart)
	Dim unitString As String = "mm"
	Dim displayPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Display
	Dim theUI As NXOpen.UI = NXOpen.UI.GetUI()
	Dim logicalobjects1() As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject = Nothing
	Dim logicalobjects2() As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject = Nothing
	Dim sourceobjects1() As NXOpen.NXObject
	Dim selectedObjectName As String

	Dim mySelectedObjects As New List(Of DisplayableObject)
	Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
	Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
	Dim lldirectoryPath As String
	Dim materialName As String
	Dim bodyWeight As Double
    Dim smartsortingfeature As Boolean
	Dim assemblyid As String

	' Configuration Settings:

	' Default Assembly ID name
	Dim defaultassemblyid As String = "MyProject-01"

	' WaveLink Feature - True or False
	Dim wavelinkfeature As Boolean = True

	' Smart Sorting - This feature sorts the selected bodies by their material name in descending order. It first considers the initial numerical value found in the material name before the unit (for example, the "12" in "12mm Plywood"). If no numerical value is present, sorting is done alphabetically. Should multiple bodies share the same material, they are then sorted by weight in descending order.
	' You'll receive feedback on Material name and weight, so you understand the order presented.
	' If it False, it will preserve the order in which you initially clicked on the bodies for selection. - "True", "False" or "Maybe"
	Dim smartsortingfeatureQST As String = "Maybe"

	' This setting is particularly useful when utilizing the smart sorting feature, as it helps break down material names into segments for efficient sorting and organization. For instance, a material named '12mm Plywood' would be divided at 'mm', allowing the code to sort solids effectively.
	' You can adjust settings for "mm" (Millimeter) and "in" (Inch) to whatever you use to describe your materials based on your preferred unit system. Let's say, you are naming your solid bodies like "3/4 Inch Plywood" - then you would change 'ssunitin' to "Inch".
	' The journal handles whole or decimal numbers (e.g., "12", "12.5") and fractions specifically for inches (e.g., "1/2"). It automatically adjusts these values by multiplying them by 25.4 to ensure consistency in sorting, allowing you to safely use any of these variants within the same workflow. 
	Dim ssunitmm As String = "mm"
	Dim ssunitin As String = "in"

	' Sorting logic use EasyWeight (True) or NX Built-in Material (False) attributes. - True or False
	Dim EasyWeightsortinglogic As Boolean = False

	' Default Solid Body Name - Assigns a name to any solid body that lacks one, ensuring all bodies are identifiable.
	' You can set these names under Reference Sets.
	' If you can't see this folder, click on a empty space in Part Navigator / uncheck Timestamp Order OR File / Utilities / Customer Defaults / Gateway / Part Navigator / Display Reference Sets Folder.
	Dim defaultsolidbodyname As String = "PANEL"

	' Flag Created Components - To prevent duplicating efforts, this option tags processed solid bodies with a 'Component created' attribute. It's an efficient way to track which bodies have already been processed.
	' If you want to override this later, simply delete the value of this attribute in Solid body / Properties. - True or False
	Dim setcomponentflag As Boolean = False

	' Teamcenter Integration Settings - Determines whether the journal operates locally "False" or integrates with Teamcenter. Selecting "Maybe" prompts a question at the start to finalize this setting, tailoring the journal to your specific workflow needs. - "True", "False" or "Maybe".
	' If you are using this locally, you will be prompted at the beginning to specify where you want to save your files. If you leave it empty and hit enter, it will use the specified default directory (lldefaultdirectoryPath).
	Dim teamcenterIntegrationQST As String = "False"

	' Control Numbering Gaps - Only for Local - This feature enables intelligent handling of component numbering. For instance, if you initially create components numbered 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105, but later delete 101 and 103, activating this option will prioritize filling these gaps with new components before proceeding to increment the numbers. It's an efficient method to maintain a continuous sequence and optimize the utilization of available numbers.
	' Remember, when removing components, it's important not only to remove them from the assembly but also to close them using File / Close / Selected Parts. This ensures they are removed from memory as well.
	' Additionally, if you are working locally and have saved these parts, you should also delete them from the file system to avoid clutter. - True or False
	Dim fillTheGap As Boolean = True

	' IMPORTANT! Record a Journal first in - Visual Basic (*.vb) - by Developer / Record with Assemblies / New Component. Complete the entire process of creating a new component, then stop the recording. In your saved file, you'll find the following variants (note that prefixes such as 'tc', 'll', and 'wl' won't be included) - the matching words are highlighted: 
	' Copy paste the values.
    ' Explanation and ID numbering for First and Second Rounds:
	' The journal is prepared to follow two different logics in Teamcenter. Let me know if you have a specific case:

	' Situation One: Non-specific numbering, following system sequence.
	' Goal: Invoke a substitute ID usable in the journal.
	' Example: If a new component ID is 160379, try creating another with a substitute ID of 16000* (modify the last digit to "*"). If Teamcenter generates the next available number from 160000, we have found what we were looking for.
	' Settings:
	' Dim defaultassemblyid As String = "16000*" ' Set our base or default assembly ID.
	' Dim assemblyidQST As Boolean = False ' Set to False as the ID follows the previous number without query.
	' Dim tcwithtworounds as Boolean = False ' The base - 160000 - is already created, so the first round is unnecessary. Only the second round will use the default ID as a wildcard.
	' Dim tcfirstround as String = "" ' Not relevant as the first round is skipped.
	' Dim tcsecondround as String = "" ' Should be empty since the default ID is set initially.

	' Situation Two: Specific assembly numbers are needed, similar to local logic.
	' Goal: Invoke a substitute ID usable in the journal.
	' Example: After creating and saving "X184-500-101" as the first component, attempt the next one with "X184-500-10*". If TC automatically generates the next number from 101, it's successful.
	' Settings:
	' Dim defaultassemblyid As String = "MyProject-01" ' Not relevant here since input is always requested.
	' Dim assemblyidQST As Boolean = True ' Set to True to always ask for the base specific assembly ID number on each run. Input example: X184-500.
	' Dim tcwithtworounds as Boolean = True ' TC requires a base number to be SAVED first (X184-500-101), allowing it to automatically generate subsequent numbers and create follow-up components in the second. (X184-500-102, etc.).
	' Dim tcfirstround as String = "-101" ' This is the number appended to the first round.
	' Dim tcsecondround as String = "-10*" ' This is the number appended to the second round.

	' TC Settings
	Dim tcDefaultDestinationFolder As String = ":NewFolder"
	Dim tcTemplateFileName As String = "@DB/GT_mm_template/01"
	Dim tcUnits As NXOpen.Part.Units = NXOpen.Part.Units.Millimeters
	Dim tcRelationType As String = "master"
	Dim tcTemplatePresentationName As String = "Model"
	Dim tcItemType As String = "Item"
	Dim assemblyidQST As Boolean = False
	Dim tcwithtworounds as Boolean = True
	Dim tcfirstround as String = "-101"
	Dim tcsecondround as String = "-10*"

	' Local Settings
	Dim llTemplateFileName As String = "model-plain-1-mm-template.prt"
	Dim llUnits As NXOpen.Part.Units = NXOpen.Part.Units.Millimeters
	Dim llTemplatePresentationName As String = "Model"
	Dim lldefaultdirectoryPath As String = "C:\NXPartsFolder\"
    Dim llnextAvailableId As Integer = 101

	' WaveLink Settings
	Dim wlAssociative As Boolean = True
	Dim wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp As Boolean = False
	Dim wlHideOriginal As Boolean = True
	Dim wlInheritDisplayProperties As Boolean = True
	Dim wlMakePositionIndependent As Boolean = True
	Dim wlCopyThreads As Boolean = True

	Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
		theSession = Session.GetSession()
		theUFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
		workPart = theSession.Parts.Work
		displayPart = theSession.Parts.Display
		theUI = UI.GetUI()

		Dim isFirstSave As Boolean = True

		lw.WriteLine("Captain Hook's Component Creator          Version: 1.11 NXJ ")
		lw.WriteLine(" ")
		lw.WriteLine("Configuration Settings Overview:")
		lw.WriteLine(" ")
		lw.WriteLine(" - WaveLink Feature:           " & If(wavelinkfeature, "Yes", "No"))

        If smartsortingfeatureQST IsNot Nothing AndAlso (smartsortingfeatureQST.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse smartsortingfeatureQST.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
			smartsortingfeature = Boolean.Parse(smartsortingfeatureQST)
			Dim userResponse As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to enable Smart Sorting for Components?", "Smart Sorting", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
			Select Case userResponse
				Case DialogResult.Yes
					smartsortingfeature = True
				Case DialogResult.No
					smartsortingfeature = False
				Case DialogResult.Cancel
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("Abandon ship! We're departing the logbook.")
			End Select
		End If

		lw.WriteLine(" - Smart Sorting:              " & If(smartsortingfeature, "Yes", "No"))

		If smartsortingfeature Then
			If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
				lw.WriteLine("   With EasyWeight attributes")
				lw.WriteLine("   With NX Built-in attributes")
			End If
			lw.WriteLine("   Follow the selection order")
		End If

		lw.WriteLine(" - Component Created flag:     " & If(setcomponentflag, "Yes", "No"))

		Dim teamcenterIntegration As Boolean = False

		If teamcenterIntegrationQST IsNot Nothing AndAlso (teamcenterIntegrationQST.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse teamcenterIntegrationQST.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
			teamcenterIntegration = Boolean.Parse(teamcenterIntegrationQST)
			Dim userResponse As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you working with Teamcenter?", "Teamcenter Integration", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
			Select Case userResponse
				Case DialogResult.Yes
					teamcenterIntegration = True
				Case DialogResult.No
					teamcenterIntegration = False
				Case DialogResult.Cancel
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("Abandon ship! We're departing the logbook.")
			End Select
		End If

		lw.WriteLine(" - Teamcenter integration:     " & If(teamcenterIntegration, "Yes", "No"))

		If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
			Dim userInput As String = InputBox("Where would you like to save your files? - etc. C:\NXPartsFolder\", "Directory Path")

			lldirectoryPath = If(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInput), lldefaultdirectoryPath, userInput)

			If Not lldirectoryPath.EndsWith("\") Then
				lldirectoryPath &= "\"
			End If

			' Check if the directory exists
            If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(lldirectoryPath) Then
					lw.WriteLine("   Folder has been created.    ")
				Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("Stop the presses! Permission to construct the Folder be refused: " & lldirectoryPath)
					lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.Message)
				Catch ex As System.IO.PathTooLongException
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("Arr, the map stretches further than the eye can see: " & lldirectoryPath)
					lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.Message)
				Catch ex As Exception
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("Alas, the winds are not in our favor to form the specified Folder: " & lldirectoryPath)
					lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.Message)
				End Try
			End If
		End If

		' Perform the unit check on the main assembly
		If mainAssembly.PartUnits = BasePart.Units.Inches Then
			unitString = "in"
			lw.WriteLine(" - Main Assembly Unit System:  Imperial (Inches)")
			unitString = "mm"
			lw.WriteLine(" - Main Assembly Unit System:  Metric (Millimeters)")
		End If

		If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
			lw.WriteLine(" - Save to:                    " & lldirectoryPath)
			lw.WriteLine(" - Fill the gaps in numbers:   " & If(fillTheGap, "Yes", "No"))
		End If

		lw.WriteLine(" - Default Solid Body name:    " & defaultsolidbodyname)

		If assemblyidQST Then
			assemblyid = InputBox("Please enter your required ID Name - etc. MyProject-01", "Component Creator")
			If String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyid) Then
				If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
					assemblyid = defaultassemblyid
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("Abandon ship! We're departing the logbook.")
					Exit Sub
				End If
			End If
			assemblyid = defaultassemblyid
		End If

		lw.WriteLine(" - Base of AssemblyID:         " & assemblyid)
		lw.WriteLine(" ")

		selectedObjectName = SelectObjects("Hey, select multiple somethings", mySelectedObjects)

		Dim markId1 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
		markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")

		Dim nXObject1 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
		Dim mySolid As New List(Of Body)
		Dim baseAssemblyId As String = assemblyid & "-"
		Dim idPart As Integer
		Dim usedIds As New SortedSet(Of Integer)()

		If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
            ' Get the IDs from existing files in the directory
			For Each file As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(lldirectoryPath, baseAssemblyId & "*")
				Dim fileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)

				If fileName.StartsWith(baseAssemblyId) Then
					Dim idString As String = fileName.Substring(baseAssemblyId.Length).TrimStart("-"c)
					Dim parts As String() = idString.Split("-"c)

					If parts.Length > 0 AndAlso Integer.TryParse(parts(0), idPart) Then
					End If
				End If

			' Get the IDs from components in the NX session that haven't been saved yet
            If workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent IsNot Nothing Then
				For Each comp As Component In workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent.GetChildren()
					Dim compName As String = comp.DisplayName

					If compName.StartsWith(baseAssemblyId) Then
						Dim idString As String = compName.Substring(baseAssemblyId.Length).TrimStart("-"c)
						Dim parts As String() = idString.Split("-"c)

						If parts.Length > 0 AndAlso Integer.TryParse(parts(0), idPart) Then
						End If
					End If
			End If

			' Find the first available ID (filling in the gaps)
            If fillTheGap Then
				While usedIds.Contains(llnextAvailableId)
					llnextAvailableId += 1
				End While
				' If not filling the gap, find the highest ID and add 1
                If usedIds.Count > 0 Then
					llnextAvailableId = usedIds.Max + 1
				End If
			End If
		End If

		For Each tempComp As DisplayableObject In mySelectedObjects
			mySolid.Add(CType(tempComp, Body))
			Dim attributePropertiesBuilder1 As NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder = Nothing
			Dim createNewComponentBuilder1 As NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder = Nothing
			Dim AssemblyidString As String = assemblyid & tcfirstround
			Dim body As Body = CType(tempComp, Body)
			selectedObjectName = body.Name

			If setcomponentflag Then
				If IsComponentCreated(body) Then
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine(" - This solid body already has a component: " & selectedObjectName)
					Continue For
				End If
			End If

			If String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedObjectName) Then
				Continue For
			End If

			If teamcenterIntegration Then
				If tcwithtworounds Then
						Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()
						Dim partOperationCreateBuilder1 As NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCreateBuilder = Nothing
						partOperationCreateBuilder1 = theSession.PdmSession.CreateCreateOperationBuilder(NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationBuilder.OperationType.Create)
						sourceobjects1 = logicalobjects1(0).GetUserAttributeSourceObjects()

						partOperationCreateBuilder1.DefaultDestinationFolder = tcDefaultDestinationFolder
						fileNew1.TemplateFileName = tcTemplateFileName
						fileNew1.Units = tcUnits
						fileNew1.RelationType = tcRelationType
						fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = tcTemplatePresentationName
						fileNew1.ItemType = tcItemType

						fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
						fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
						fileNew1.UsesMasterModel = "No"
						fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
						fileNew1.Specialization = ""
						Dim nullNXOpen_BasePart As NXOpen.BasePart = Nothing
						Dim objects1(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
						attributePropertiesBuilder1 = theSession.AttributeManager.CreateAttributePropertiesBuilder(nullNXOpen_BasePart, objects1, NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder.OperationType.Create)
						Dim objects2(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
						Dim objects3(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						objects3(0) = sourceobjects1(0)
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NO"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = AssemblyidString
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						Dim changed1 As Boolean = Nothing
						changed1 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
						Dim attributetitles1(-1) As String
						Dim titlepatterns1(-1) As String
						nXObject1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap(attributetitles1, titlepatterns1)
						Dim objects4(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						objects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
						Dim properties1(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						properties1(0) = nXObject1
						Dim errorList1 As NXOpen.ErrorList = Nothing
						errorList1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern(objects4, properties1)
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NAME"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = selectedObjectName
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						Dim changed2 As Boolean = Nothing
						changed2 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
						fileNew1.MasterFileName = ""
						fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False
						fileNew1.DisplayPartOption = NXOpen.DisplayPartOption.AllowAdditional
						Dim logicalobjects4(0) As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject
						logicalobjects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
						' Create new component
						createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
						createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
						createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
						createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False

						'Non Wavelink add body
                        If Not wavelinkfeature Then
							'lw.WriteLine("   Solid body added successfully.")
						End If

						createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1

						Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
						nXObject2 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()

						lw.WriteLine(" - First component for:   " & selectedObjectName & " created.")

						Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(body, NXOpen.Body)

						If smartsortingfeature Then
							If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
									materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
								Catch exInner As Exception
									materialName = "Not specified"
								End Try

									bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
								Catch exInner As Exception
									bodyWeight = -1
								End Try
									materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
								Catch exInner As Exception
									materialName = "Not specified"
								End Try

									bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
								Catch exInner As Exception
									bodyWeight = -1
								End Try
							End If

							lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Material Name:         {0}", materialName))
							lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Weight:                {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
						End If

						Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = TryCast(nXObject2, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
						Dim newComponentPart As Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, Part)

						If wavelinkfeature Then
							' Change the work part to the new component's part

							' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
                            Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
							waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
							waveLinkBuilder.CopyThreads = False
							Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
							extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
							extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
							extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
							extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
							extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
							extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
							extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
							extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
							Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract
							lw.WriteLine("   WaveLink added successfully.")
						End If

						' Mark the original body as processed
                        If setcomponentflag Then
							SetComponentCreated(body, True)
						End If


						If isFirstSave Then
							Dim partSaveStatus As NXOpen.PartSaveStatus = Nothing
							Dim newPart As NXOpen.Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, NXOpen.Part)

								partSaveStatus = newPart.Save(NXOpen.BasePart.SaveComponents.False, NXOpen.BasePart.CloseAfterSave.False)
							Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
							Catch ex As Exception
							End Try
							If partSaveStatus IsNot Nothing Then
							End If
							lw.WriteLine("   Saved to Teamcenter:   " & AssemblyidString)
							'lw.WriteLine(" ")
							'lw.WriteLine("A friendly nudge: the remaining components are still drifting in the digital")
							'lw.WriteLine("ether, unsaved. Do cast an eye, delete, if the stars are out of alignment,")
							'lw.WriteLine("and proceed as the universe dictates.")
							isFirstSave = False
						End If

					Catch ex As Exception When ex.Message.Contains("The new filename is not a valid file specification")
						Dim markId2 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
						markId2 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")
						AssemblyidString = assemblyid & tcsecondround
						Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()
						Dim partOperationCreateBuilder1 As NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCreateBuilder = Nothing
						partOperationCreateBuilder1 = theSession.PdmSession.CreateCreateOperationBuilder(NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationBuilder.OperationType.Create)
						sourceobjects1 = logicalobjects1(0).GetUserAttributeSourceObjects()

						partOperationCreateBuilder1.DefaultDestinationFolder = tcDefaultDestinationFolder
						fileNew1.TemplateFileName = tcTemplateFileName
						fileNew1.Units = tcUnits
						fileNew1.RelationType = tcRelationType
						fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = tcTemplatePresentationName
						fileNew1.ItemType = tcItemType

						fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
						fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
						fileNew1.UsesMasterModel = "No"
						fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
						fileNew1.Specialization = ""
						Dim nullNXOpen_BasePart As NXOpen.BasePart = Nothing
						Dim objects1(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
						attributePropertiesBuilder1 = theSession.AttributeManager.CreateAttributePropertiesBuilder(nullNXOpen_BasePart, objects1, NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder.OperationType.Create)
						Dim objects2(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
						Dim objects3(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						objects3(0) = sourceobjects1(0)
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NO"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = AssemblyidString
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						Dim changed1 As Boolean = Nothing
						changed1 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
						Dim attributetitles1(-1) As String
						Dim titlepatterns1(-1) As String
						nXObject1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap(attributetitles1, titlepatterns1)
						Dim objects4(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						objects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
						Dim properties1(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						properties1(0) = nXObject1
						Dim errorList1 As NXOpen.ErrorList = Nothing
						errorList1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern(objects4, properties1)
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NAME"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = selectedObjectName
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						Dim changed2 As Boolean = Nothing
						changed2 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
						fileNew1.MasterFileName = ""
						fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False
						fileNew1.DisplayPartOption = NXOpen.DisplayPartOption.AllowAdditional
						Dim logicalobjects4(0) As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject
						logicalobjects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
						createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
						createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
						createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
						createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False

						'Non Wavelink add body
                        If Not wavelinkfeature Then
							'lw.WriteLine("   Solid body added successfully.")
						End If

						createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1

						Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
						nXObject2 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()
						lw.WriteLine(" ")
						lw.WriteLine(" - Component created for: " & selectedObjectName)

						Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(body, NXOpen.Body)

						If smartsortingfeature Then
							If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
									materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
								Catch exInner As Exception
									materialName = "Not specified"
								End Try

									bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
								Catch exInner As Exception
									bodyWeight = -1
								End Try
									materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
								Catch exInner As Exception
									materialName = "Not specified"
								End Try

									bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
								Catch exInner As Exception
									bodyWeight = -1
								End Try
							End If

							lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Material Name:         {0}", materialName))
							lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Weight:                {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
						End If

						Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = TryCast(nXObject2, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
						Dim newComponentPart As Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, Part)

						If wavelinkfeature Then
							' Change the work part to the new component's part

							' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
                            Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
							waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
							Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
							extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
							extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
							extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
							extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
							extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
							extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
							extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
							extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
							Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract
							lw.WriteLine("   WaveLink added successfully.")
						End If

						If setcomponentflag Then
							SetComponentCreated(body, True)
						End If


					Catch ex As Exception
						lw.WriteLine(" ")
						lw.WriteLine("Yo ho, mates, we've hit a snag... an error has marooned us: " & ex.Message)
						lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.StackTrace)
						If createNewComponentBuilder1 IsNot Nothing Then
						End If
						If attributePropertiesBuilder1 IsNot Nothing Then
						End If
					End Try
						Dim markId2 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
						markId2 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")
						AssemblyidString = assemblyid & tcsecondround
						Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()
						Dim partOperationCreateBuilder1 As NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCreateBuilder = Nothing
						partOperationCreateBuilder1 = theSession.PdmSession.CreateCreateOperationBuilder(NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationBuilder.OperationType.Create)
						sourceobjects1 = logicalobjects1(0).GetUserAttributeSourceObjects()

						partOperationCreateBuilder1.DefaultDestinationFolder = tcDefaultDestinationFolder
						fileNew1.TemplateFileName = tcTemplateFileName
						fileNew1.Units = tcUnits
						fileNew1.RelationType = tcRelationType
						fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = tcTemplatePresentationName
						fileNew1.ItemType = tcItemType

						fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
						fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
						fileNew1.UsesMasterModel = "No"
						fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
						fileNew1.Specialization = ""
						Dim nullNXOpen_BasePart As NXOpen.BasePart = Nothing
						Dim objects1(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
						attributePropertiesBuilder1 = theSession.AttributeManager.CreateAttributePropertiesBuilder(nullNXOpen_BasePart, objects1, NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder.OperationType.Create)
						Dim objects2(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
						Dim objects3(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						objects3(0) = sourceobjects1(0)
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NO"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = AssemblyidString
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						Dim changed1 As Boolean = Nothing
						changed1 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
						Dim attributetitles1(-1) As String
						Dim titlepatterns1(-1) As String
						nXObject1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap(attributetitles1, titlepatterns1)
						Dim objects4(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						objects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
						Dim properties1(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
						properties1(0) = nXObject1
						Dim errorList1 As NXOpen.ErrorList = Nothing
						errorList1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern(objects4, properties1)
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NAME"
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = selectedObjectName
						attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
						Dim changed2 As Boolean = Nothing
						changed2 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
						fileNew1.MasterFileName = ""
						fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False
						fileNew1.DisplayPartOption = NXOpen.DisplayPartOption.AllowAdditional
						Dim logicalobjects4(0) As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject
						logicalobjects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
						createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
						createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
						createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
						createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False

						'Non Wavelink add body
                        If Not wavelinkfeature Then
							'lw.WriteLine("   Solid body added successfully.")
						End If

						createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1

						Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
						nXObject2 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()
						lw.WriteLine(" ")
						lw.WriteLine(" - Component created for: " & selectedObjectName)

						Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(body, NXOpen.Body)

						If smartsortingfeature Then
							If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
									materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
								Catch exInner As Exception
									materialName = "Not specified"
								End Try

									bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
								Catch exInner As Exception
									bodyWeight = -1
								End Try
									materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
								Catch exInner As Exception
									materialName = "Not specified"
								End Try

									bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
								Catch exInner As Exception
									bodyWeight = -1
								End Try
							End If

							lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Material Name:         {0}", materialName))
							lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Weight:                {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
						End If

						Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = TryCast(nXObject2, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
						Dim newComponentPart As Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, Part)

						If wavelinkfeature Then
							' Change the work part to the new component's part

							' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
                            Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
							waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
							Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
							extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
							extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
							extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
							extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
							extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
							extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
							extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
							extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
							Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract
							lw.WriteLine("   WaveLink added successfully.")
						End If

						' Mark the original body as processed
                        If setcomponentflag Then
							SetComponentCreated(body, True)
						End If


					Catch ex As Exception
						lw.WriteLine(" ")
						lw.WriteLine("Yo ho, mates, we've hit a snag... an error has marooned us: " & ex.Message)
						lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.StackTrace)
						If createNewComponentBuilder1 IsNot Nothing Then
						End If
						If attributePropertiesBuilder1 IsNot Nothing Then
						End If
					End Try
				End If
				' Setup for local (non-Teamcenter) environment
					Dim markId2 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
					markId2 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")

					Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()

					' Construct the new file name with the next available ID
					Dim newFileName As String = lldirectoryPath & baseAssemblyId & llnextAvailableId.ToString("D3") & "-" & selectedObjectName & ".prt"
					Dim simpleFileName As String = baseAssemblyId & llnextAvailableId.ToString("D3") & "-" & selectedObjectName & ".prt"

					fileNew1.NewFileName = newFileName

					fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
					fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
					fileNew1.Units = llUnits
					fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
					fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = llTemplatePresentationName
					fileNew1.TemplateFileName = llTemplateFileName
					fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False

					createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
					createNewComponentBuilder1.DefiningObjectsAdded = False
					createNewComponentBuilder1.NewComponentName = selectedObjectName.ToString
					createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
					createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False
					createNewComponentBuilder1.DefiningObjectsAdded = True
					createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
					createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1
					Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(tempComp, NXOpen.Body)
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" - Processing Body:      " & selectedObjectName))

					If smartsortingfeature Then
						If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
								materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
							Catch exInner As Exception
								materialName = "Not specified"
							End Try

								bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
							Catch exInner As Exception
								bodyWeight = -1 ' Use -1 or another indicative value to signify that the attribute was not found
							End Try
								materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
							Catch exInner As Exception
								materialName = "Not specified"
							End Try

								bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
							Catch exInner As Exception
								bodyWeight = -1 ' Use -1 or another indicative value to signify that the attribute was not found
							End Try
						End If
						lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Material Name:        {0}", materialName))
						lw.WriteLine(String.Format("   Weight:               {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
					End If

					' Add a selected solid body to the component without Wavelink
					If Not wavelinkfeature Then
						Dim added1 As Boolean = createNewComponentBuilder1.ObjectForNewComponent.Add(bodyToAdd)
						lw.WriteLine("   Solid body added successfully.")
					End If

					nXObject1 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()
					lw.WriteLine("   Component created as: " & simpleFileName)

					If wavelinkfeature Then
						Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = CType(nXObject1, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
						Dim newComponentPart As NXOpen.Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, NXOpen.Part)

						' Switch to the new component part to work within its context
						Dim partLoadStatus As NXOpen.PartLoadStatus = Nothing
						theSession.Parts.SetWorkComponent(newComponent, NXOpen.PartCollection.RefsetOption.Current, NXOpen.PartCollection.WorkComponentOption.Visible, partLoadStatus)
						If partLoadStatus IsNot Nothing Then partLoadStatus.Dispose()

						' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
						Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
						waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
						Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
						extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
						extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
						extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
						extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
						extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
						extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
						extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
						extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
						Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract

						' Setting up ScCollector and SelectionIntentRule for the body
						Dim scCollector As NXOpen.ScCollector = extractFaceBuilder.ExtractBodyCollector
						Dim selectionIntentRuleOptions As NXOpen.SelectionIntentRuleOptions = newComponentPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleOptions()

						Dim bodies() As Body = {bodyToAdd}
						Dim bodyDumbRule As NXOpen.BodyDumbRule = newComponentPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBodyDumb(bodies, True, selectionIntentRuleOptions)

						Dim rules() As NXOpen.SelectionIntentRule = {bodyDumbRule}
						scCollector.ReplaceRules(rules, False)

						lw.WriteLine("   WaveLink added successfully.")
					End If

					' Mark the original body as processed
					If setcomponentflag Then
						SetComponentCreated(body, True)
					End If


					' Add the new ID to the set to track it within the session

					' Find the next available ID based on the fillTheGap setting
					If fillTheGap Then
						llnextAvailableId += 1
						While usedIds.Contains(llnextAvailableId)
							llnextAvailableId += 1
						End While
						llnextAvailableId = usedIds.Max + 1
					End If

				Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException When ex.Message.Contains("File already exists")
					lw.WriteLine(" ")
					lw.WriteLine("We attempted to fill the gap during component creation, but")
					lw.WriteLine("encountered an error because one or more removed parts are still")
					lw.WriteLine("in memory. Please close them in the NX session as well.")
					lw.WriteLine("Go to File > Close > Selected Parts.")
				Catch ex As Exception
					lw.WriteLine("By Blackbeard's ghost, we're in uncharted waters... a complication has arisen: " & ex.Message)
				End Try
			End If
		lw.WriteLine(" ")

		Dim endQuotes As New List(Of String) From {
			"Our expedition into the dusk reaches its twilight. Now, who recalls the spot of our anchorage?",
			"Our odyssey across the realms of power concludes.",
			"Our dance with destiny ends in silence.",
			"Our voyage through the storm finds its harbor in the void.",
			"Our voyage has sailed into the sunset. Now, who remembers where we parked?",
			"We've run out of road. Next stop: uncharted couch territories.",
			"That's a wrap on our adventure. Please exit through the gift shop.",
			"The end of our quest is here. Time to hang up our capes.",
			"We've navigated the void and returned. Yet, the darkness lingers, an eternal companion.",
			"Our expedition's final log. Beam us up, there's no intelligent life down here!",
			"Our shared path diverges here. May your socks always match in future adventures.",
			"The torch of our adventure dims, its light flickering one final moment."

		Dim rnd As New Random()
		Dim index As Integer = rnd.Next(endQuotes.Count)
		Dim selectedQuote As String = endQuotes(index)

		lw.WriteLine(" ")
	End Sub

	Function IsComponentCreated(ByVal body As Body) As Boolean
			Dim attrValue As String = ""

			' Determine the target body based on whether it's an occurrence
			Dim targetBody As Body = If(body.IsOccurrence, body.Prototype, body)

			' Check if the attribute exists and retrieve its value
			If targetBody.HasUserAttribute("Component_created", NXObject.AttributeType.String, -1) Then
				attrValue = targetBody.GetStringAttribute("Component_created")
			End If

			' If the attribute exists but is empty, interpret it as "no" (False)
			If String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrValue) Then
				Return False
			End If
			' If the attribute value is a valid boolean string, return its boolean equivalent
			If attrValue.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse
			   attrValue.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
				Return Boolean.Parse(attrValue)
				' If the attribute value is not a recognized boolean string, log a message and interpret as False
				lw.WriteLine("Arr, this 'Component_created' be flying a foreign flag: '" & attrValue & "' for " & If(body.IsOccurrence, "instance: ", "body: ") & targetBody.JournalIdentifier)
				Return False
			End If

		Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
			lw.WriteLine("Shiver me timbers, we've sailed into a storm... a mistake has been spotted: " & ex.Message)
		End Try

		' Return false if attribute not found, not valid, or any exception occurs
		Return False
	End Function

	Sub SetComponentCreated(ByVal body As Body, ByVal created As Boolean)
			Dim targetBody As Body = body

			' If the body is an occurrence, use the prototype body for setting attributes
			If body.IsOccurrence Then
				targetBody = body.Prototype
			End If

			' Set the user attribute on the target body
			targetBody.SetUserAttribute("Component_created", -1, created.ToString(), Update.Option.Now)

			' Log a success message indicating the attribute was set
			'lw.WriteLine("Attribute 'Component_created' set to " & created.ToString() & " for " & If(body.IsOccurrence, "instance: ", "body: ") & targetBody.JournalIdentifier)

		Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
			lw.WriteLine("Hitch in casting the line 'Component_created' on " & If(body.IsOccurrence, "instance: ", "body: ") & body.JournalIdentifier & " - " & ex.Message)
		End Try
	End Sub

	Function SelectObjects(prompt As String, ByRef dispObj As List(Of DisplayableObject)) As Boolean
		Dim selObj As NXObject()
		Dim title As String = "Select solid bodies"
		Dim includeFeatures As Boolean = False
		Dim keepHighlighted As Boolean = False
		Dim selAction As Selection.SelectionAction = Selection.SelectionAction.ClearAndEnableSpecific
		Dim scope As Selection.SelectionScope = Selection.SelectionScope.WorkPart
		Dim selectionMask_array(0) As Selection.MaskTriple

		With selectionMask_array(0)
			.Type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type
			.SolidBodySubtype = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_SOLID_BODY
		End With

		Dim resp As Selection.Response = theUI.SelectionManager.SelectObjects(prompt,
		title, scope, selAction,
		includeFeatures, keepHighlighted, selectionMask_array,

		If resp = Selection.Response.ObjectSelected OrElse
		   resp = Selection.Response.ObjectSelectedByName OrElse
		   resp = Selection.Response.Ok Then

			If selObj IsNot Nothing AndAlso selObj.Length > 0 Then
				For Each item As NXObject In selObj
					If String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Name) Then
					End If
					dispObj.Add(CType(item, DisplayableObject))

				' Update EW_Body_Weight if EasyWeightsortinglogic is true
				If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
					For Each body As DisplayableObject In dispObj
						If TypeOf body Is Body Then
							UpdateBodyWeight(CType(body, Body))
						End If
					lw.WriteLine(" - Successfully updated the Weight information.")
				End If

				' SmartSort objects
				If smartsortingfeature Then
					If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
							dispObj.Sort(Function(a, b)
											 Dim aMat As String = Nothing
											 Dim bMat As String = Nothing
											 Dim aWeight As Double = 0
											 Dim bWeight As Double = 0
											 Dim primaryResult As Integer = 0

												 aMat = a.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
											 Catch ex As Exception
												 aMat = "zzzzz"
											 End Try

												 bMat = b.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
											 Catch ex As Exception
												 bMat = "zzzzz"
											 End Try

												 aWeight = a.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
											 Catch ex As Exception
												 aWeight = 0
											 End Try

												 bWeight = b.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
											 Catch ex As Exception
												 bWeight = 0
											 End Try

											 Dim aNum As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(aMat)
											 Dim bNum As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(bMat)

											 ' Handling primary sort based on EW_Material attribute
											 If aNum.HasValue And bNum.HasValue Then
												 primaryResult = bNum.Value.CompareTo(aNum.Value) ' Sort in descending order
											 ElseIf aNum.HasValue Then
												 primaryResult = -1
											 ElseIf bNum.HasValue Then
												 primaryResult = 1
												 primaryResult = String.Compare(aMat, bMat) ' Sort alphabetically in that case
											 End If

											 ' Handling secondary sort based on EW_Body_Weight attribute
											 If primaryResult = 0 Then
												 Return bWeight.CompareTo(aWeight) ' Sort in descending order based on weight
												 Return primaryResult ' Otherwise, return the result of the primary comparison
											 End If
										 End Function)
						Catch ex As Exception
							lw.WriteLine(" ")
							lw.WriteLine("Hoist the colors, we're navigating choppy seas... a fault has been discovered: " & ex.Message)
						End Try
							dispObj.Sort(Function(a, b)
											 Dim aMat As String = If(GetMaterialName(a) = "Not specified", "zzzzz", GetMaterialName(a))
											 Dim bMat As String = If(GetMaterialName(b) = "Not specified", "zzzzz", GetMaterialName(b))

											 Dim aNumVal As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(aMat)
											 Dim bNumVal As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(bMat)

											 ' Compare numerical values if both are present
											 If aNumVal.HasValue AndAlso bNumVal.HasValue Then
												 Dim numCompare As Integer = bNumVal.Value.CompareTo(aNumVal.Value)
												 If numCompare <> 0 Then Return numCompare
											 ElseIf aNumVal.HasValue Then
												 Return -1
											 ElseIf bNumVal.HasValue Then
												 Return 1
											 End If

											 ' If numerical values are equal or not present, compare the rest of the material name
											 Dim restCompare As Integer = String.Compare(aMat, bMat)
											 If restCompare <> 0 Then Return restCompare

											 ' If materials are identical, compare weights
											 Dim aWeight As Double = GetBodyWeight(a)
											 Dim bWeight As Double = GetBodyWeight(b)
											 Return bWeight.CompareTo(aWeight) ' Sort by weight in descending order
										 End Function)
						Catch ex As Exception
							lw.WriteLine(" ")
							lw.WriteLine("Ahoy, deckhands, a squall's upon us... an anomaly has presented itself: " & ex.Message)
						End Try
					End If

					lw.WriteLine(" - Selected bodies captured and the Selection order: Sorted.")
					lw.WriteLine(" - Selected bodies captured and the Selection order: Preserved.")
				End If

				Return True ' Successfully selected and sorted objects
				' Handle the case where no objects are selected
				lw.WriteLine("The chronicle paused, as no items were marked for the journey.")
				Return False
			End If
			lw.WriteLine(" ")
			lw.WriteLine("Arr, what's this? A baffling response during the selection of the bounty: " & resp.ToString())
			Return False
		End If
	End Function

	Sub UpdateBodyWeight(ByVal body As Body)
		Dim myMeasure As MeasureManager = workPart.MeasureManager
		Dim massUnits(1) As Unit
		massUnits(0) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Volume")

		Dim mb As MeasureBodies = myMeasure.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, New Body() {body})

		' Update the InformationUnit for MeasureBodies based on unit system
		Dim informationUnit As MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit
		If unitString = "in" Then
			mb.informationUnit = MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit.PoundInch
			mb.informationUnit = MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit.KilogramMilliMeter
		End If

		' Extract volume
		Dim bodyVolume As Double = mb.Volume

		' Extract density from the EW_Material_Density attribute; default to 1 if not found
		Dim density As Double = 1.0
			density = Convert.ToDouble(body.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material_Density"))
		Catch ex As Exception
			' If the attribute is not found or cannot be converted, use the default density of 1
			'lw.WriteLine("Density attribute not found or invalid for body: " & body.JournalIdentifier & ". Using default density of 1.")
		End Try

		If unitString = "in" Then
			' Calculate weight assuming density is in Pound/Cubic Foot, converting to lbm
			Dim bodyWeight As Double = bodyVolume / 1728 * density
				body.SetUserAttribute("EW_Body_Weight", -1, bodyWeight, Update.Option.Now)
				'lw.WriteLine("Updated EW_Body_Weight for: " & body.JournalIdentifier & " to " & bodyWeight.ToString("F3") & " Lbm")
			Catch ex As Exception
				'lw.WriteLine("Failed to update EW_Body_Weight for: " & body.JournalIdentifier & ". Error: " & ex.Message)
			End Try
			' Calculate weight assuming density is in Kg/Cubic Meter, converting to kg
			Dim bodyWeight As Double = bodyVolume / 1000000000.0 * density
				body.SetUserAttribute("EW_Body_Weight", -1, bodyWeight, Update.Option.Now)
				'lw.WriteLine("Updated EW_Body_Weight for body: " & body.JournalIdentifier & " to " & bodyWeight.ToString("F3") & " Kg")
			Catch ex As Exception
				'lw.WriteLine("Failed to update EW_Body_Weight for body: " & body.JournalIdentifier & ". Error: " & ex.Message)
			End Try
		End If
	End Sub

	Function GetMaterialName(body As Body) As String
		' Retrieve the material name for the body
		Dim matName As String = ""
			matName = body.GetStringAttribute("Material")
		Catch ex As Exception
			Return If(matName Is Nothing, matName, "Not specified")
		End Try
		Return matName
	End Function

	Function GetMaterialThickness(materialName As String) As Double?
		' Try to extract numerical value
		Dim pattern As String = "(\d+/\d+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)"
		Dim matches As MatchCollection
		Dim thickness As Double? = Nothing
		Dim numericPart As String

		If materialName.Contains(ssunitmm) Then
			numericPart = materialName.Substring(0, materialName.IndexOf(ssunitmm)).Trim()
			matches = Regex.Matches(numericPart, pattern)
			'lw.WriteLine("Material name trimed (" & ssunitmm & ") : " & numericPart.ToString())
		ElseIf materialName.Contains(ssunitin) Then
			numericPart = materialName.Substring(0, materialName.IndexOf(ssunitin)).Trim()
			matches = Regex.Matches(numericPart, pattern)
			'lw.WriteLine("Material name trimed (" & ssunitin & ") : " & numericPart.ToString())
			matches = Regex.Matches(materialName, pattern)
		End If

		For Each match As Match In matches
			If match.Success Then
				Dim value As Double
				If match.Value.Contains("/") Then
					Dim parts As String() = match.Value.Split("/")
					If parts.Length = 2 Then
						Dim numerator As Double
						Dim denominator As Double
						If Double.TryParse(pa
Tutorial for the Component Creator Journal

To name the solid bodies, follow these steps:
[li]Navigate to: Part Navigator / Reference Sets / Model / Solid bodies[/li]
[li]You can rename the solid bodies here by slowly double-clicking on them.[/li]


[li]To modify the default solid body name, locate this line in the journal:[/li]
Dim defaultsolidbodyname As String = "PANEL"

If you don't see the Reference Sets folder, go to:
[li]Customer Defaults / Gateway / Part Navigator / Display Reference Sets Folder[/li]


If you can't enable the Reference Sets folder:
[li]Right-click in an empty area within the Part Navigator[/li]
[li]Deselect 'Timestamp Order' from the menu[/li]
[li]This action will make the Reference Sets folder visible, allowing you to name the solid bodies.[/li]
[li]Select the solid bodies you want to rename[/li]
[li]Right-click on one of the selected bodies[/li]
[li]Navigate to Properties / General / Name[/li]
[li]Enter your desired name[/li]
[li]If you see an ‘Apply to Work Part’ option under the name, it means you're in a different environment from the original. Make sure to select this option to apply the changes[/li]
[li]After completing the naming process, return to the Part Navigator, right-click in an empty area once more, and re-select ‘Timestamp Order’ to revert the settings.[/li]


If you want to handle them in the graphics window:
[li]Set your Selection / Type filter (selection scope) to Solid Body[/li]
[li]Select the solid body / bodies you want to rename[/li]
[li]Right-click on one of the selected bodies[/li]
[li]Navigate to Properties / General / Name[/li]
[li]Enter your desired name[/li]


And that's all. I hope it helps.
I just ran thru this tutorial, on a test assembly, I'd already created with your journals, and when I added names to the bodies, IT EVEN updates, RIGHT THRU the assembly, this is GREAT stuff..
This journal is great, but to suit my needs, i'd like to modify it a bit.
I changed the line you suggested (in the Component Creator) and I can now select any bodies in the assembly levels below the top level work part, and it adds the new parts at the bottom
, then i can drag them under the correct part ALL the while keeping the links intact (brilliant)
..I wonder... is it possible to modify it, to work if I'm work part at a lower level, because up to now it'll error if you're not right at the top of the assembly.
Other nice to have's would be...
1. can I set the creation location to "same as work part" by default, and let the user input, specify a new location if needed?
2. can I set the new component name to be "the work part name" (already in the input window) ready to be edited by the user input?

My edited code is below, i removed the word PANEL from the component names, and used numbering 001, 002, 003 etc.

' Written by Tamas Woller - February 2024, V103
' Journal desciption: Automatically create parts by requesting you a main component name. Select solid bodies to create components for.
' Shared on NXJournaling.com
' Written in VB.Net
' Tested on Siemens NX 2212 and 2306, Native and Teamcenter 13
' V100 - Initial Release - January 2024
' V101 - Body flag system Fix
' V103 - Teamcenter Integration & Local Support, Smart Sorting with EasyWeight or NX's built-in material attributes, Metric (Millimeters) and Imperial (Inches) unit support in Material name, WaveLink Option, Flag Created Components Option, Control Numbering Gaps Option and added Configuration Settings
' V105 - Added notes and minor changes in Output Window
' V107 - Update EasyWeight's EW_Body_Weight attribute before sorting
' V109 - Added 'Maybe' to sorting

Imports System
Imports NXOpen
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Assemblies
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Module NXJournal
Dim theSession As NXOpen.Session = NXOpen.Session.GetSession()
Dim theUFSession As NXOpen.UF.UFSession = NXOpen.UF.UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim workPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim mainAssembly As Part = If(workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent IsNot Nothing, workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent.Prototype, workPart)
Dim unitString As String = "mm"
Dim displayPart As NXOpen.Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim theUI As NXOpen.UI = NXOpen.UI.GetUI()
Dim logicalobjects1() As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject = Nothing
Dim logicalobjects2() As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject = Nothing
Dim sourceobjects1() As NXOpen.NXObject
Dim selectedObjectName As String

Dim mySelectedObjects As New List(Of DisplayableObject)
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
Dim lldirectoryPath As String
Dim materialName As String
Dim bodyWeight As Double
Dim smartsortingfeature As Boolean

' Configuration Settings:

' Default Assembly ID name
Dim defaultassemblyid As String = "MyProject-01"

' WaveLink Feature - True or False
Dim wavelinkfeature As Boolean = True

' Smart Sorting - This feature sorts the selected bodies by their material name in descending order. It first considers the initial numerical value found in the material name before the unit (for example, the "12" in "12mm Plywood"). If no numerical value is present, sorting is done alphabetically. Should multiple bodies share the same material, they are then sorted by weight in descending order.
' You'll receive feedback on Material name and weight, so you understand the order presented.
' If it False, it will preserve the order in which you initially clicked on the bodies for selection. - "True", "False" or "Maybe"
Dim smartsortingfeatureQST As String = "Maybe"

' This setting is particularly useful when utilizing the smart sorting feature, as it helps break down material names into segments for efficient sorting and organization. For instance, a material named '12mm Plywood' would be divided at 'mm', allowing the code to sort solids effectively.
' You can adjust settings for "mm" (Millimeter) and "in" (Inch) to whatever you use to describe your materials based on your preferred unit system. Let's say, you are naming your solid bodies like "3/4 Inch Plywood" - then you would change 'ssunitin' to "Inch".
' The journal handles whole or decimal numbers (e.g., "12", "12.5") and fractions specifically for inches (e.g., "1/2"). It automatically adjusts these values by multiplying them by 25.4 to ensure consistency in sorting, allowing you to safely use any of these variants within the same workflow.
Dim ssunitmm As String = "mm"
Dim ssunitin As String = "in"

' Sorting logic use EasyWeight (True) or NX Built-in Material (False) attributes. - True or False
Dim EasyWeightsortinglogic As Boolean = True

' Default Solid Body Name - Assigns a name to any solid body that lacks one, ensuring all bodies are identifiable.
' You can set these names under Reference Sets.
' If you can't see this folder, click on a empty space in Part Navigator / uncheck Timestamp Order OR File / Utilities / Customer Defaults / Gateway / Part Navigator / Display Reference Sets Folder.
Dim defaultsolidbodyname As String = "PANEL"

' Flag Created Components - To prevent duplicating efforts, this option tags processed solid bodies with a 'Component created' attribute. It's an efficient way to track which bodies have already been processed.
' If you wan't to override this later, simply delete the value of this attribute in Solid body / Properties. - True or False
' Only for EasyWeight users - The EW_Material journal automatically adds an empty 'Component created' attribute to solid bodies, addressing a discovered issue in version 1.01.
' You can go around this by assigning the attribute to all your solids at first. Select all Solid Body / Properties / New Attribute / Title: Component created, Data Type: String. A more efficient way would be to change your model template to have this by default.
Dim setcomponentflag As Boolean = False

' Teamcenter Integration Settings - Determines whether the journal operates locally "False" or integrates with Teamcenter. Selecting "Maybe" prompts a question at the start to finalize this setting, tailoring the journal to your specific workflow needs. - "True", "False" or "Maybe".
' If you are using this locally, you will be prompted at the beginning to specify where you want to save your files. If you leave it empty and hit enter, it will use the specified default directory (lldefaultdirectoryPath).
Dim teamcenterIntegrationQST As String = "False"

' Control Numbering Gaps - Only for Local - This feature enables intelligent handling of component numbering. For instance, if you initially create components numbered 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105, but later delete 101 and 103, activating this option will prioritize filling these gaps with new components before proceeding to increment the numbers. It's an efficient method to maintain a continuous sequence and optimize the utilization of available numbers.
' Remember, when removing components, it's important not only to remove them from the assembly but also to close them using File / Close / Selected Parts. This ensures they are removed from memory as well.
' Additionally, if you are working locally and have saved these parts, you should also delete them from the file system to avoid clutter. - True or False
Dim fillTheGap As Boolean = True

' IMPORTANT! Record a Journal first in - Visual Basic (*.vb) - by Developer / Record with Assemblies / New Component. Complete the entire process of creating a new component, then stop the recording. In your saved file, you'll find the following variants (note that prefixes such as 'tc', 'll', and 'wl' won't be included) - the matching words are highlighted:
' Copy paste the values.
' TC Settings
Dim tcDefaultDestinationFolder As String = ":NewFolder"
Dim tcTemplateFileName As String = "@DB/GT_mm_template/01"
Dim tcUnits As NXOpen.Part.Units = NXOpen.Part.Units.Millimeters
Dim tcRelationType As String = "master"
Dim tcTemplatePresentationName As String = "Model"
Dim tcItemType As String = "Item"

' Local Settings
Dim llTemplateFileName As String = "model-template.prt"
Dim llUnits As NXOpen.Part.Units = NXOpen.Part.Units.Millimeters
Dim llTemplatePresentationName As String = "Model"
Dim lldefaultdirectoryPath As String = "C:\NXPartsFolder\"

' WaveLink Settings
Dim wlAssociative As Boolean = True
Dim wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp As Boolean = False
Dim wlHideOriginal As Boolean = True
Dim wlInheritDisplayProperties As Boolean = True
Dim wlMakePositionIndependent As Boolean = True
Dim wlCopyThreads As Boolean = True

Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
theSession = Session.GetSession()
theUFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
workPart = theSession.Parts.Work
displayPart = theSession.Parts.Display
theUI = UI.GetUI()

Dim isFirstSave As Boolean = True

lw.WriteLine("Captain Hook's Component Creator Version: 1.09 NXJ ")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Configuration Settings Overview:")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(" - WaveLink Feature: " & If(wavelinkfeature, "Yes", "No"))

If smartsortingfeatureQST IsNot Nothing AndAlso (smartsortingfeatureQST.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse smartsortingfeatureQST.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
smartsortingfeature = Boolean.Parse(smartsortingfeatureQST)
Dim userResponse As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to enable Smart Sorting for Components?", "Smart Sorting", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
Select Case userResponse
Case DialogResult.Yes
smartsortingfeature = True
Case DialogResult.No
smartsortingfeature = False
Case DialogResult.Cancel
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Abandon ship! We're departing the logbook.")
End Select
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Smart Sorting: " & If(smartsortingfeature, "Yes", "No"))

If smartsortingfeature Then
If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
lw.WriteLine(" With EasyWeight attributes")
lw.WriteLine(" With NX Built-in attributes")
End If
lw.WriteLine(" Follow the selection order")
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Component Created flag: " & If(setcomponentflag, "Yes", "No"))

Dim teamcenterIntegration As Boolean = False

If teamcenterIntegrationQST IsNot Nothing AndAlso (teamcenterIntegrationQST.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse teamcenterIntegrationQST.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Then
teamcenterIntegration = Boolean.Parse(teamcenterIntegrationQST)
Dim userResponse As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you working with Teamcenter?", "Teamcenter Integration", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
Select Case userResponse
Case DialogResult.Yes
teamcenterIntegration = True
Case DialogResult.No
teamcenterIntegration = False
Case DialogResult.Cancel
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Abandon ship! We're departing the logbook.")
End Select
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Teamcenter integration: " & If(teamcenterIntegration, "Yes", "No"))

If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
Dim userInput As String = InputBox("Where would you like to save your files? - etc. C:\NXPartsFolder\", "Directory Path")

lldirectoryPath = If(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInput), lldefaultdirectoryPath, userInput)

If Not lldirectoryPath.EndsWith("\") Then
lldirectoryPath &= "\"
End If

' Check if the directory exists
If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(lldirectoryPath) Then
lw.WriteLine(" Folder has been created. ")
Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Stop the presses! Permission to construct the Folder be refused: " & lldirectoryPath)
lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.Message)
Catch ex As System.IO.PathTooLongException
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Arr, the map stretches further than the eye can see: " & lldirectoryPath)
lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.Message)
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Alas, the winds are not in our favor to form the specified Folder: " & lldirectoryPath)
lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
End If

' Perform the unit check on the main assembly
If mainAssembly.PartUnits = BasePart.Units.Inches Then
unitString = "in"
lw.WriteLine(" - Main Assembly Unit System: Imperial (Inches)")
unitString = "mm"
lw.WriteLine(" - Main Assembly Unit System: Metric (Millimeters)")
End If

If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
lw.WriteLine(" - Save to : " & lldirectoryPath)
lw.WriteLine(" - Fill the gaps in numbers: " & If(fillTheGap, "Yes", "No"))
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Default Solid Body name: " & defaultsolidbodyname)

Dim assemblyid As String = InputBox("Please enter your required ID Name - etc. MyProject-01", "Component Creator")

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyid) Then
If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
assemblyid = defaultassemblyid
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Abandon ship! We're departing the logbook.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Base of AssemblyID: " & assemblyid)
lw.WriteLine(" ")

selectedObjectName = SelectObjects("Hey, select multiple somethings", mySelectedObjects)

Dim markId1 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
markId1 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")

Dim nXObject1 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
Dim mySolid As New List(Of Body)
Dim baseAssemblyId As String = assemblyid & "-"
Dim idPart As Integer
Dim usedIds As New SortedSet(Of Integer)()
Dim nextAvailableId As Integer = 001

If Not teamcenterIntegration Then
' Get the IDs from existing files in the directory
For Each file As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(lldirectoryPath, baseAssemblyId & "*")
Dim fileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)

If fileName.StartsWith(baseAssemblyId) Then
Dim idString As String = fileName.Substring(baseAssemblyId.Length).TrimStart("-"c)
Dim parts As String() = idString.Split("-"c)

If parts.Length > 0 AndAlso Integer.TryParse(parts(0), idPart) Then
End If
End If

' Get the IDs from components in the NX session that haven't been saved yet
If workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent IsNot Nothing Then
For Each comp As Component In workPart.ComponentAssembly.RootComponent.GetChildren()
Dim compName As String = comp.DisplayName

If compName.StartsWith(baseAssemblyId) Then
Dim idString As String = compName.Substring(baseAssemblyId.Length).TrimStart("-"c)
Dim parts As String() = idString.Split("-"c)

If parts.Length > 0 AndAlso Integer.TryParse(parts(0), idPart) Then
End If
End If
End If

' Find the first available ID (filling in the gaps)
If fillTheGap Then
While usedIds.Contains(nextAvailableId)
nextAvailableId += 1
End While
' If not filling the gap, find the highest ID and add 1
If usedIds.Count > 0 Then
nextAvailableId = usedIds.Max + 1
End If
End If
End If

For Each tempComp As DisplayableObject In mySelectedObjects
mySolid.Add(CType(tempComp, Body))
Dim attributePropertiesBuilder1 As NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder = Nothing
Dim createNewComponentBuilder1 As NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder = Nothing
Dim AssemblyidString As String = assemblyid & "-001"
Dim body As Body = CType(tempComp, Body)
selectedObjectName = body.Name

If setcomponentflag Then
If IsComponentCreated(body) Then
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(" - This solid body already has a component: " & selectedObjectName)
Continue For
End If
End If

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedObjectName) Then
Continue For
End If

If teamcenterIntegration Then
Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()
Dim partOperationCreateBuilder1 As NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCreateBuilder = Nothing
partOperationCreateBuilder1 = theSession.PdmSession.CreateCreateOperationBuilder(NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationBuilder.OperationType.Create)
sourceobjects1 = logicalobjects1(0).GetUserAttributeSourceObjects()

partOperationCreateBuilder1.DefaultDestinationFolder = tcDefaultDestinationFolder
fileNew1.TemplateFileName = tcTemplateFileName
fileNew1.Units = tcUnits
fileNew1.RelationType = tcRelationType
fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = tcTemplatePresentationName
fileNew1.ItemType = tcItemType

fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
fileNew1.UsesMasterModel = "No"
fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
fileNew1.Specialization = ""
Dim nullNXOpen_BasePart As NXOpen.BasePart = Nothing
Dim objects1(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
attributePropertiesBuilder1 = theSession.AttributeManager.CreateAttributePropertiesBuilder(nullNXOpen_BasePart, objects1, NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder.OperationType.Create)
Dim objects2(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
Dim objects3(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
objects3(0) = sourceobjects1(0)
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NO"
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = AssemblyidString
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
Dim changed1 As Boolean = Nothing
changed1 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
Dim attributetitles1(-1) As String
Dim titlepatterns1(-1) As String
nXObject1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap(attributetitles1, titlepatterns1)
Dim objects4(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
objects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
Dim properties1(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
properties1(0) = nXObject1
Dim errorList1 As NXOpen.ErrorList = Nothing
errorList1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern(objects4, properties1)
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NAME"
attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = selectedObjectName
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
Dim changed2 As Boolean = Nothing
changed2 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
fileNew1.MasterFileName = ""
fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False
fileNew1.DisplayPartOption = NXOpen.DisplayPartOption.AllowAdditional
Dim logicalobjects4(0) As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject
logicalobjects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
' Create new component
createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False

'Non Wavelink add body
If Not wavelinkfeature Then
'lw.WriteLine(" Solid body added successfully.")
End If

createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1

Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
nXObject2 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()

lw.WriteLine(" - First component for: " & selectedObjectName & " created.")

Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(body, NXOpen.Body)

If smartsortingfeature Then
If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
Catch exInner As Exception
materialName = "Not specified"
End Try

bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
Catch exInner As Exception
bodyWeight = -1
End Try
materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
Catch exInner As Exception
materialName = "Not specified"
End Try

bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
Catch exInner As Exception
bodyWeight = -1
End Try
End If

lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" Material Name: {0}", materialName))
lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" Weight: {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
End If

Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = TryCast(nXObject2, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
Dim newComponentPart As Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, Part)

If wavelinkfeature Then
' Change the work part to the new component's part

' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
waveLinkBuilder.CopyThreads = False
' Configure the ExtractFaceBuilder
Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract
lw.WriteLine(" WaveLink added successfully.")
End If

' Mark the original body as processed
If setcomponentflag Then
SetComponentCreated(body, True)
End If


If isFirstSave Then
Dim partSaveStatus As NXOpen.PartSaveStatus = Nothing
Dim newPart As NXOpen.Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, NXOpen.Part)

partSaveStatus = newPart.Save(NXOpen.BasePart.SaveComponents.False, NXOpen.BasePart.CloseAfterSave.False)
Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If partSaveStatus IsNot Nothing Then
End If
lw.WriteLine(" Saved to Teamcenter: " & AssemblyidString)
'lw.WriteLine(" ")
'lw.WriteLine("A friendly nudge: the remaining components are still drifting in the digital")
'lw.WriteLine("ether, unsaved. Do cast an eye, delete, if the stars are out of alignment,")
'lw.WriteLine("and proceed as the universe dictates.")
isFirstSave = False
End If

Catch ex As Exception When ex.Message.Contains("The new filename is not a valid file specification")
Dim markId2 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
markId2 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")
AssemblyidString = assemblyid & "-00*"
Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()
Dim partOperationCreateBuilder1 As NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationCreateBuilder = Nothing
partOperationCreateBuilder1 = theSession.PdmSession.CreateCreateOperationBuilder(NXOpen.PDM.PartOperationBuilder.OperationType.Create)
sourceobjects1 = logicalobjects1(0).GetUserAttributeSourceObjects()

partOperationCreateBuilder1.DefaultDestinationFolder = tcDefaultDestinationFolder
fileNew1.TemplateFileName = tcTemplateFileName
fileNew1.Units = tcUnits
fileNew1.RelationType = tcRelationType
fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = tcTemplatePresentationName
fileNew1.ItemType = tcItemType

fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
fileNew1.UsesMasterModel = "No"
fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
fileNew1.Specialization = ""
Dim nullNXOpen_BasePart As NXOpen.BasePart = Nothing
Dim objects1(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
attributePropertiesBuilder1 = theSession.AttributeManager.CreateAttributePropertiesBuilder(nullNXOpen_BasePart, objects1, NXOpen.AttributePropertiesBuilder.OperationType.Create)
Dim objects2(-1) As NXOpen.NXObject
Dim objects3(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
objects3(0) = sourceobjects1(0)
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NO"
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = AssemblyidString
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
Dim changed1 As Boolean = Nothing
changed1 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
Dim attributetitles1(-1) As String
Dim titlepatterns1(-1) As String
nXObject1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.CreateAttributeTitleToNamingPatternMap(attributetitles1, titlepatterns1)
Dim objects4(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
objects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
Dim properties1(0) As NXOpen.NXObject
properties1(0) = nXObject1
Dim errorList1 As NXOpen.ErrorList = Nothing
errorList1 = partOperationCreateBuilder1.AutoAssignAttributesWithNamingPattern(objects4, properties1)
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Title = "DB_PART_NAME"
attributePropertiesBuilder1.StringValue = selectedObjectName
attributePropertiesBuilder1.Category = "Item"
Dim changed2 As Boolean = Nothing
changed2 = attributePropertiesBuilder1.CreateAttribute()
fileNew1.MasterFileName = ""
fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False
fileNew1.DisplayPartOption = NXOpen.DisplayPartOption.AllowAdditional
Dim logicalobjects4(0) As NXOpen.PDM.LogicalObject
logicalobjects4(0) = logicalobjects1(0)
createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False

'Non Wavelink add body
If Not wavelinkfeature Then
'lw.WriteLine(" Solid body added successfully.")
End If

createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1

Dim nXObject2 As NXOpen.NXObject = Nothing
nXObject2 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(" - Component created for: " & selectedObjectName)

Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(body, NXOpen.Body)

If smartsortingfeature Then
If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
Catch exInner As Exception
materialName = "Not specified"
End Try

bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
Catch exInner As Exception
bodyWeight = -1
End Try
materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
Catch exInner As Exception
materialName = "Not specified"
End Try

bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
Catch exInner As Exception
bodyWeight = -1
End Try
End If

lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" Material Name: {0}", materialName))
lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" Weight: {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
End If

Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = TryCast(nXObject2, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
Dim newComponentPart As Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, Part)

If wavelinkfeature Then
' Change the work part to the new component's part

' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract
lw.WriteLine(" WaveLink added successfully.")
End If

' Mark the original body as processed
If setcomponentflag Then
SetComponentCreated(body, True)
End If


Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Yo ho, mates, we've hit a snag... an error has marooned us: " & ex.Message)
lw.WriteLine("Pirate's Proclamation: " & ex.StackTrace)
If createNewComponentBuilder1 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
If attributePropertiesBuilder1 IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Try
' Setup for local (non-Teamcenter) environment
Dim markId2 As NXOpen.Session.UndoMarkId
markId2 = theSession.SetUndoMark(NXOpen.Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "Component Creator")

Dim fileNew1 As NXOpen.FileNew = theSession.Parts.FileNew()

' Construct the new file name with the next available ID

Dim newFileName As String = lldirectoryPath & baseAssemblyId & nextAvailableId.ToString("D3") & "-" & selectedObjectName & ".prt"
Dim simpleFileName As String = baseAssemblyId & nextAvailableId.ToString("D3") & "-" & selectedObjectName & ".prt"

fileNew1.NewFileName = newFileName

fileNew1.UseBlankTemplate = False
fileNew1.ApplicationName = "ModelTemplate"
fileNew1.Units = llUnits
fileNew1.TemplateType = NXOpen.FileNewTemplateType.Item
fileNew1.TemplatePresentationName = llTemplatePresentationName
fileNew1.TemplateFileName = llTemplateFileName
fileNew1.MakeDisplayedPart = False

createNewComponentBuilder1 = workPart.AssemblyManager.CreateNewComponentBuilder()
createNewComponentBuilder1.DefiningObjectsAdded = False
createNewComponentBuilder1.NewComponentName = selectedObjectName.ToString
createNewComponentBuilder1.ReferenceSetName = "MODEL"
createNewComponentBuilder1.OriginalObjectsDeleted = False
createNewComponentBuilder1.DefiningObjectsAdded = True
createNewComponentBuilder1.ComponentOrigin = NXOpen.Assemblies.CreateNewComponentBuilder.ComponentOriginType.Absolute
createNewComponentBuilder1.NewFile = fileNew1
Dim bodyToAdd As NXOpen.Body = CType(tempComp, NXOpen.Body)
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" - Processing Body: " & selectedObjectName))

If smartsortingfeature Then
If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
materialName = bodyToAdd.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
Catch exInner As Exception
materialName = "Not specified"
End Try

bodyWeight = bodyToAdd.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
Catch exInner As Exception
bodyWeight = -1 ' Use -1 or another indicative value to signify that the attribute was not found
End Try
materialName = GetMaterialName(bodyToAdd)
Catch exInner As Exception
materialName = "Not specified"
End Try

bodyWeight = GetBodyWeight(bodyToAdd)
Catch exInner As Exception
bodyWeight = -1 ' Use -1 or another indicative value to signify that the attribute was not found
End Try
End If
lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" Material Name: {0}", materialName))
lw.WriteLine(String.Format(" Weight: {0}", bodyWeight.ToString()))
End If

' Add a selected solid body to the component without Wavelink
If Not wavelinkfeature Then
Dim added1 As Boolean = createNewComponentBuilder1.ObjectForNewComponent.Add(bodyToAdd)
lw.WriteLine(" Solid body added successfully.")
End If

nXObject1 = createNewComponentBuilder1.Commit()
lw.WriteLine(" Component created as: " & simpleFileName)

If wavelinkfeature Then
Dim newComponent As NXOpen.Assemblies.Component = CType(nXObject1, NXOpen.Assemblies.Component)
Dim newComponentPart As NXOpen.Part = CType(newComponent.Prototype, NXOpen.Part)

' Switch to the new component part to work within its context
Dim partLoadStatus As NXOpen.PartLoadStatus = Nothing
theSession.Parts.SetWorkComponent(newComponent, NXOpen.PartCollection.RefsetOption.Current, NXOpen.PartCollection.WorkComponentOption.Visible, partLoadStatus)
If partLoadStatus IsNot Nothing Then partLoadStatus.Dispose()

' Setup the WaveLinkBuilder in the new component's context
Dim waveLinkBuilder As Features.WaveLinkBuilder = newComponentPart.BaseFeatures.CreateWaveLinkBuilder(Nothing)
waveLinkBuilder.Type = Features.WaveLinkBuilder.Types.BodyLink
Dim extractFaceBuilder As Features.ExtractFaceBuilder = waveLinkBuilder.ExtractFaceBuilder
extractFaceBuilder.FaceOption = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.FaceOptionType.FaceChain
extractFaceBuilder.ParentPart = Features.ExtractFaceBuilder.ParentPartType.OtherPart
extractFaceBuilder.Associative = wlAssociative
extractFaceBuilder.FixAtCurrentTimestamp = wlFixAtCurrentTimestamp
extractFaceBuilder.HideOriginal = wlHideOriginal
extractFaceBuilder.InheritDisplayProperties = wlInheritDisplayProperties
extractFaceBuilder.MakePositionIndependent = wlMakePositionIndependent
extractFaceBuilder.CopyThreads = wlCopyThreads
Dim selectObjectList As SelectObjectList = extractFaceBuilder.BodyToExtract

' Setting up ScCollector and SelectionIntentRule for the body
Dim scCollector As NXOpen.ScCollector = extractFaceBuilder.ExtractBodyCollector
Dim selectionIntentRuleOptions As NXOpen.SelectionIntentRuleOptions = newComponentPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleOptions()

Dim bodies() As Body = {bodyToAdd}
Dim bodyDumbRule As NXOpen.BodyDumbRule = newComponentPart.ScRuleFactory.CreateRuleBodyDumb(bodies, True, selectionIntentRuleOptions)

Dim rules() As NXOpen.SelectionIntentRule = {bodyDumbRule}
scCollector.ReplaceRules(rules, False)

lw.WriteLine(" WaveLink added successfully.")
End If

' Mark the original body as processed
If setcomponentflag Then
SetComponentCreated(body, True)
End If


' Add the new ID to the set to track it within the session

' Find the next available ID based on the fillTheGap setting
If fillTheGap Then
nextAvailableId += 1
While usedIds.Contains(nextAvailableId)
nextAvailableId += 1
End While
nextAvailableId = usedIds.Max + 1
End If

Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException When ex.Message.Contains("File already exists")
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("We attempted to fill the gap during component creation, but")
lw.WriteLine("encountered an error because one or more removed parts are still")
lw.WriteLine("in memory. Please close them in the NX session as well.")
lw.WriteLine("Go to File > Close > Selected Parts.")
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine("By Blackbeard's ghost, we're in uncharted waters... a complication has arisen: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
lw.WriteLine(" ")

Dim endQuotes As New List(Of String) From {
"Our expedition into the dusk reaches its twilight. Now, who recalls the spot of our anchorage?",
"Our odyssey across the realms of power concludes.",
"Our dance with destiny ends in silence.",
"Our voyage through the storm finds its harbor in the void.",
"Our voyage has sailed into the sunset. Now, who remembers where we parked?",
"We've run out of road. Next stop: uncharted couch territories.",
"That's a wrap on our adventure. Please exit through the gift shop.",
"The end of our quest is here. Time to hang up our capes.",
"We've navigated the void and returned. Yet, the darkness lingers, an eternal companion.",
"Our expedition's final log. Beam us up, there's no intelligent life down here!",
"Our shared path diverges here. May your socks always match in future adventures.",
"The torch of our adventure dims, its light flickering one final moment."

Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim index As Integer = rnd.Next(endQuotes.Count)
Dim selectedQuote As String = endQuotes(index)

lw.WriteLine(" ")
End Sub

Function IsComponentCreated(ByVal body As Body) As Boolean
Dim attrValue As String = ""

' Determine the target body based on whether it's an occurrence
Dim targetBody As Body = If(body.IsOccurrence, body.Prototype, body)

' Check if the attribute exists and retrieve its value
If targetBody.HasUserAttribute("Component_created", NXObject.AttributeType.String, -1) Then
attrValue = targetBody.GetStringAttribute("Component_created")
End If

' If the attribute exists but is empty, interpret it as "no" (False)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrValue) Then
Return False
End If

' If the attribute value is a valid boolean string, return its boolean equivalent
If attrValue.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse
attrValue.Equals("False", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
Return Boolean.Parse(attrValue)
' If the attribute value is not a recognized boolean string, log a message and interpret as False
lw.WriteLine("Arr, this 'Component_created' be flying a foreign flag: '" & attrValue & "' for " & If(body.IsOccurrence, "instance: ", "body: ") & targetBody.JournalIdentifier)
Return False
End If

Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
lw.WriteLine("Shiver me timbers, we've sailed into a storm... a mistake has been spotted: " & ex.Message)
End Try

' Return false if attribute not found, not valid, or any exception occurs
Return False
End Function

Sub SetComponentCreated(ByVal body As Body, ByVal created As Boolean)
Dim targetBody As Body = body

' If the body is an occurrence, use the prototype body for setting attributes
If body.IsOccurrence Then
targetBody = body.Prototype
End If

' Set the user attribute on the target body
targetBody.SetUserAttribute("Component_created", -1, created.ToString(), Update.Option.Now)

' Log a success message indicating the attribute was set
'lw.WriteLine("Attribute 'Component_created' set to " & created.ToString() & " for " & If(body.IsOccurrence, "instance: ", "body: ") & targetBody.JournalIdentifier)

Catch ex As NXOpen.NXException
lw.WriteLine("Hitch in casting the line 'Component_created' on " & If(body.IsOccurrence, "instance: ", "body: ") & body.JournalIdentifier & " - " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub

Function SelectObjects(prompt As String, ByRef dispObj As List(Of DisplayableObject)) As Boolean
Dim selObj As NXObject()
Dim title As String = "Select solid bodies"
Dim includeFeatures As Boolean = False
Dim keepHighlighted As Boolean = False
Dim selAction As Selection.SelectionAction = Selection.SelectionAction.ClearAndEnableSpecific
' Dim scope As Selection.SelectionScope = Selection.SelectionScope.WorkPart
' changed this line
Dim scope As Selection.SelectionScope = Selection.SelectionScope.AnyInAssembly
Dim selectionMask_array(0) As Selection.MaskTriple

With selectionMask_array(0)
.Type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type
.SolidBodySubtype = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_SOLID_BODY
End With

Dim resp As Selection.Response = theUI.SelectionManager.SelectObjects(prompt,
title, scope, selAction,
includeFeatures, keepHighlighted, selectionMask_array,

If resp = Selection.Response.ObjectSelected OrElse
resp = Selection.Response.ObjectSelectedByName OrElse
resp = Selection.Response.Ok Then

If selObj IsNot Nothing AndAlso selObj.Length > 0 Then
For Each item As NXObject In selObj
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Name) Then
End If
dispObj.Add(CType(item, DisplayableObject))

' Update EW_Body_Weight if EasyWeightsortinglogic is true
If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
For Each body As DisplayableObject In dispObj
If TypeOf body Is Body Then
UpdateBodyWeight(CType(body, Body))
End If
lw.WriteLine(" - Successfully updated the Weight information.")
End If

' SmartSort objects
If smartsortingfeature Then
If EasyWeightsortinglogic Then
dispObj.Sort(Function(a, b)
Dim aMat As String = Nothing
Dim bMat As String = Nothing
Dim aWeight As Double = 0
Dim bWeight As Double = 0
Dim primaryResult As Integer = 0

aMat = a.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
Catch ex As Exception
aMat = "zzzzz"
End Try

bMat = b.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material")
Catch ex As Exception
bMat = "zzzzz"
End Try

aWeight = a.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
Catch ex As Exception
aWeight = 0
End Try

bWeight = b.GetRealAttribute("EW_Body_Weight")
Catch ex As Exception
bWeight = 0
End Try

Dim aNum As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(aMat)
Dim bNum As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(bMat)

' Handling primary sort based on EW_Material attribute
If aNum.HasValue And bNum.HasValue Then
primaryResult = bNum.Value.CompareTo(aNum.Value) ' Sort in descending order
ElseIf aNum.HasValue Then
primaryResult = -1
ElseIf bNum.HasValue Then
primaryResult = 1
primaryResult = String.Compare(aMat, bMat) ' Sort alphabetically in that case
End If

' Handling secondary sort based on EW_Body_Weight attribute
If primaryResult = 0 Then
Return bWeight.CompareTo(aWeight) ' Sort in descending order based on weight
Return primaryResult ' Otherwise, return the result of the primary comparison
End If
End Function)
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Hoist the colors, we're navigating choppy seas... a fault has been discovered: " & ex.Message)
End Try
dispObj.Sort(Function(a, b)
Dim aMat As String = If(GetMaterialName(a) = "Not specified", "zzzzz", GetMaterialName(a))
Dim bMat As String = If(GetMaterialName(b) = "Not specified", "zzzzz", GetMaterialName(b))

Dim aNumVal As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(aMat)
Dim bNumVal As Double? = GetMaterialThickness(bMat)

' Compare numerical values if both are present
If aNumVal.HasValue AndAlso bNumVal.HasValue Then
Dim numCompare As Integer = bNumVal.Value.CompareTo(aNumVal.Value)
If numCompare <> 0 Then Return numCompare
ElseIf aNumVal.HasValue Then
Return -1
ElseIf bNumVal.HasValue Then
Return 1
End If

' If numerical values are equal or not present, compare the rest of the material name
Dim restCompare As Integer = String.Compare(aMat, bMat)
If restCompare <> 0 Then Return restCompare

' If materials are identical, compare weights
Dim aWeight As Double = GetBodyWeight(a)
Dim bWeight As Double = GetBodyWeight(b)
Return bWeight.CompareTo(aWeight) ' Sort by weight in descending order
End Function)
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Ahoy, deckhands, a squall's upon us... an anomaly has presented itself: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If

lw.WriteLine(" - Selected bodies captured and the Selection order: Sorted.")
lw.WriteLine(" - Selected bodies captured and the Selection order: Preserved.")
End If

Return True ' Successfully selected and sorted objects
' Handle the case where no objects are selected
lw.WriteLine("The chronicle paused, as no items were marked for the journey.")
Return False
End If
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Arr, what's this? A baffling response during the selection of the bounty: " & resp.ToString())
Return False
End If
End Function

Sub UpdateBodyWeight(ByVal body As Body)
Dim myMeasure As MeasureManager = workPart.MeasureManager
Dim massUnits(1) As Unit
massUnits(0) = workPart.UnitCollection.GetBase("Volume")

Dim mb As MeasureBodies = myMeasure.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, New Body() {body})

' Update the InformationUnit for MeasureBodies based on unit system
Dim informationUnit As MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit
If unitString = "in" Then
mb.informationUnit = MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit.PoundInch
mb.informationUnit = MeasureBodies.AnalysisUnit.KilogramMilliMeter
End If

' Extract volume
Dim bodyVolume As Double = mb.Volume

' Extract density from the EW_Material_Density attribute; default to 1 if not found
Dim density As Double = 1.0
density = Convert.ToDouble(body.GetStringAttribute("EW_Material_Density"))
Catch ex As Exception
' If the attribute is not found or cannot be converted, use the default density of 1
'lw.WriteLine("Density attribute not found or invalid for body: " & body.JournalIdentifier & ". Using default density of 1.")
End Try

If unitString = "in" Then
' Calculate weight assuming density is in Pound/Cubic Foot, converting to lbm
Dim bodyWeight As Double = bodyVolume / 1728 * density
body.SetUserAttribute("EW_Body_Weight", -1, bodyWeight, Update.Option.Now)
'lw.WriteLine("Updated EW_Body_Weight for: " & body.JournalIdentifier & " to " & bodyWeight.ToString("F3") & " Lbm")
Catch ex As Exception
'lw.WriteLine("Failed to update EW_Body_Weight for: " & body.JournalIdentifier & ". Error: " & ex.Message)
End Try
' Calculate weight assuming density is in Kg/Cubic Meter, converting to kg
Dim bodyWeight As Double = bodyVolume / 1000000000.0 * density
body.SetUserAttribute("EW_Body_Weight", -1, bodyWeight, Update.Option.Now)
'lw.WriteLine("Updated EW_Body_Weight for body: " & body.JournalIdentifier & " to " & bodyWeight.ToString("F3") & " Kg")
Catch ex As Exception
'lw.WriteLine("Failed to update EW_Body_Weight for body: " & body.JournalIdentifier & ". Error: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
End Sub

Function GetMaterialName(body As Body) As String
' Retrieve the material name for the body
Dim matName As String = ""
matName = body.GetStringAttribute("Material")
Catch ex As Exception
Return If(matName Is Nothing, matName, "Not specified")
End Try
Return matName
End Function

Function GetMaterialThickness(materialName As String) As Double?
' Try to extract numerical value
Dim pattern As String = "(\d+/\d+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)"
Dim matches As MatchCollection
Dim thickness As Double? = Nothing
Dim numericPart As String

If materialName.Contains(ssunitmm) Then
numericPart = materialName.Substring(0, materialName.IndexOf(ssunitmm)).Trim()
matches = Regex.Matches(numericPart, pattern)
'lw.WriteLine("Material name trimed (" & ssunitmm & ") : " & numericPart.ToString())
ElseIf materialName.Contains(ssunitin) Then
numericPart = materialName.Substring(0, materialName.IndexOf(ssunitin)).Trim()
matches = Regex.Matches(numericPart, pattern)
'lw.WriteLine("Material name trimed (" & ssunitin & ") : " & numericPart.ToString())
matches = Regex.Matches(materialName, pattern)
End If

For Each match As Match In matches
If match.Success Then
Dim value As Double
If match.Value.Contains("/") Then
Dim parts As String() = match.Value.Split("/")
If parts.Length = 2 Then
Dim numerator As Double
Dim denominator As Double
If Double.TryParse(parts(0), numerator) AndAlso Double.TryParse(parts(1), denominator) AndAlso denominator <> 0 Then
thickness = (numerator / denominator)
If materialName.Contains(ssunitin) Then
thickness *= 25.4
End If
'lw.WriteLine("Calculated Thickness: " & thickness.ToString() & " - from (Fraction)")
Return thickness
End If
Return thickness
End If
ElseIf Double.TryParse(match.Value, value) Then
thickness = value
If materialName.Contains(ssunitin) Then
thickness *= 25.4
End If
'lw.WriteLine("Calculated Thickness: " & thickness.ToString() & " - from whole or decimal number")
Return thickness
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function

Function GetBodyWeight(body As Body) As Double
Dim weight As Double = 0.0
Dim myMeasure As MeasureManager = theSession.Parts.Work.MeasureManager
Dim theBodies(0) As Body
theBodies(0) = body

Dim massUnits(4) As NXOpen.Unit
massUnits(2) = theSession.Parts.Work.UnitCollection.GetBase("Mass")

Dim mb As MeasureBodies = myMeasure.NewMassProperties(massUnits, 0.99, theBodies)
weight = mb.Mass
Catch ex As Exception
lw.WriteLine(" ")
lw.WriteLine("Arr, we've hit a snag in weighing our cargo: " & ex.Message)
End Try
Return weight
End Function
End Module
Hi Tamas,
I've been using my edited version of your component creator, but I've noticed that it won't add more components, I must've broken it...
can you help me to remove the "PANEL" on the end of the part numbering, so I don't break the rest of the code.
I love this journal, i'm just not good enough to be able to sort it out. I'd really appreciate your help..