- Mar 18, 2009
- 2
I have been involved with placement of cold weather structural concrete, such that the heated curing blankets lost power overnight after 10PM, placement of the concrete was complete the same day at approximately 1:30PM (recorded concrete surface was 55-60 degrees, ambient temp was 20 degrees at 10PM) and discovered the following morning the power went out and the concrete surface temp was 20 degrees. The power was restored and temperatures resumed for the balance of the curing period. The opposition is claiming the concrete should be removed without perfroming any in place testing. The concrete test cylinders attained the proper strength. We have recommended swiss hammer and windsor probe testing with the opposition's claim being the future durability of the concrete is suspect. The concrete installation is on a bridge. Coring the concrete is unlikely due to its location and proimity to embeded structural components
I am looking for information to convince the parties that the in place concrete, with evidence of non-destructive testing represents strength and durability of the concrete.
I am looking for information to convince the parties that the in place concrete, with evidence of non-destructive testing represents strength and durability of the concrete.