- Jul 28, 2001
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Simulate a step down converter controlled variable speed DC Motor using Simulink/PSpice/PSCAD
Type: Separately excited 2.5hp, 1800 rpm, Ra 1.0 ohm, La 46 mH, K 0.55, J 0.093, B 0.008, rated voltage 110V drive constant torque load at I 20 amp, Design converter such that the current is continuous and examine dynamic of motor for step changes in speed and load
How to do this problem? Please recommend me
Thank you very much
Type: Separately excited 2.5hp, 1800 rpm, Ra 1.0 ohm, La 46 mH, K 0.55, J 0.093, B 0.008, rated voltage 110V drive constant torque load at I 20 amp, Design converter such that the current is continuous and examine dynamic of motor for step changes in speed and load
How to do this problem? Please recommend me
Thank you very much