- Jan 4, 2005
- 8
I’m putting together a circuit that uses a digital waveform generator that is supplied by +5V, GND, and -5V. I've fed this output into an OP-Amp that then attenuates the +/- 2.5 Vpp output to approximately 1 Vpp.
This works fine using a PIC to set the frequency, and I can see the output on the scope, etc.
My problem is that I would like to feed this 1 Vpp output to the input of an audio amplifier that only uses a single supply voltage (+12V and GND).
In other words I have a waveform that goes positive and negative WRT to GND and I want to amplify this waveform with an audio amplifier (TDA1516BQ) that only uses a single supply voltage.
Q1: Is this a feasible idea (am I worried about something that should just work)? The reason I'm even asking is that I smoked the first incarnation of the audio amp (which I had to rebuild), but I think may have been poor soldering or connection errors.
Q2: If Q1 is yes, are there any key considerations I should be aware of?
Unfortunately, I'm bound in the design by the waveform generator chip (ML2036) and the +/-5V, +12V power supply.
I thought of using a DC-DC converter to increase the -5V from the power supply to -12V and use a different amplifier design, but the power supply only provides 500 mA @-5V and I need >16 W into a 12 ohm load. I built the audio amp around the Phillips TDA1516BQ chip used in BLT mode.
Thanks in advance.
I’m putting together a circuit that uses a digital waveform generator that is supplied by +5V, GND, and -5V. I've fed this output into an OP-Amp that then attenuates the +/- 2.5 Vpp output to approximately 1 Vpp.
This works fine using a PIC to set the frequency, and I can see the output on the scope, etc.
My problem is that I would like to feed this 1 Vpp output to the input of an audio amplifier that only uses a single supply voltage (+12V and GND).
In other words I have a waveform that goes positive and negative WRT to GND and I want to amplify this waveform with an audio amplifier (TDA1516BQ) that only uses a single supply voltage.
Q1: Is this a feasible idea (am I worried about something that should just work)? The reason I'm even asking is that I smoked the first incarnation of the audio amp (which I had to rebuild), but I think may have been poor soldering or connection errors.
Q2: If Q1 is yes, are there any key considerations I should be aware of?
Unfortunately, I'm bound in the design by the waveform generator chip (ML2036) and the +/-5V, +12V power supply.
I thought of using a DC-DC converter to increase the -5V from the power supply to -12V and use a different amplifier design, but the power supply only provides 500 mA @-5V and I need >16 W into a 12 ohm load. I built the audio amp around the Phillips TDA1516BQ chip used in BLT mode.
Thanks in advance.