I'm trying create a plane from selected axis but I'm missing something so It can' create it. I record a macro for this but it takes like axis2 how can I get my axis selected? Because I'm not work with main axis. After selecting axis macro will create plane from selected axis. Or can start from xy direction or z direction of selected axis.
Recorded is like this:
Here is my code:
Recorded is like this:
Sub CATMain()
Set partDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set part1 = partDocument1.Part
Set hybridShapeFactory1 = part1.HybridShapeFactory
Dim axisSystem1
' No resolution found for the object axisSystem1...
Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromBRepName("RSur:(Face:(Brp:(AxisSystem.2;1);None:();Cf11:());WithPermanentBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport;MFBRepVersion_CXR15)", axisSystem1)
Set hybridShapePlaneOffset1 = hybridShapeFactory1.AddNewPlaneOffset(reference1, 20.000000, False)
Set hybridBodies1 = part1.HybridBodies
Set hybridBody1 = hybridBodies1.Item("kesme_celigi")
hybridBody1.AppendHybridShape hybridShapePlaneOffset1
part1.InWorkObject = hybridShapePlaneOffset1
End Sub
Here is my code:
Sub CATMain()
Dim partDoc
Set partDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim part
Set part = partDoc.Part
Dim hsf
Set hsf = part.HybridBodies
Dim geomSet
Set geomSet = hsf.Add()
geomSet.Name = "kesme_celigi"
Dim selection
Set selection = partDoc.Selection
MsgBox "select axis"
Dim status
status = selection.SelectElement2(Array("AnyObject"), "select", False)
If status = "Normal" Then
Dim selectedAxis
Set selectedAxis = selection.Item(1).Value
If TypeName(selectedAxis) = "AxisSystem" Then
Dim factory
Set factory = part.HybridShapeFactory
Dim xyPlane
Set xyPlane = factory.AddNewPlaneExplicit(selectedAxis.GetItem("XY Plane"))
geomSet.AppendHybridShape xyPlane
MsgBox "select axis"
End If
MsgBox "selection canceled"
End If
End Sub