- Apr 6, 2001
- 194
Made a little progress to finding out what's wrong, but hit a wall. Our company menu used to be combined with the standard AutoCAD LT menu, but since we've gone to 2000, I've taken on the task of separating the two, so that it is easier to make mods when we change something, like upgrading from 97 to 2000. Have everything working, except our image menus. (We use them to insert blocks, it's easier to pick the one that we want with a visal representation.) Problem is this: If I load just our menu, the "Symbol" library works just fine, slides show up, and insertion is correct. If, however, I load the standard ACLT menu, then load our menu as a partial, when I go to the "symbol" image box to pick the block, the slides don't show up, and the box title is gibberish. Any clues as to what is happening, and is there a way to stop it without changing the standard AutoCAD menu?