- Mar 2, 2007
- 2
Please assist with the following situation. I am looking to see if anyone else has ever encountered this phenomenon.
Power logged secondary of a delta wye 480/208/500 KvA xformer for six hours. After about four hours, the RMS on one leg(L3) dropped to about 40 volts from 120 volts, with simultaneous jump in voltage from about 120 volts to 145 volts on the other two legs(L1&2). current on L3 at the time went from~170a to ~120a,L1 current went from ~260a to ~180a,L2 current had no appreciable change.Here's the kicker....
A neutral current jump occurred simultaneously, from about 160 amps to 760 amps,and remained that way till the logger stopped
(2 hours)---Following morning all systems were normal
xformer feeds office building tenant outlets mostly L-N loads
Power logged secondary of a delta wye 480/208/500 KvA xformer for six hours. After about four hours, the RMS on one leg(L3) dropped to about 40 volts from 120 volts, with simultaneous jump in voltage from about 120 volts to 145 volts on the other two legs(L1&2). current on L3 at the time went from~170a to ~120a,L1 current went from ~260a to ~180a,L2 current had no appreciable change.Here's the kicker....
A neutral current jump occurred simultaneously, from about 160 amps to 760 amps,and remained that way till the logger stopped
(2 hours)---Following morning all systems were normal
xformer feeds office building tenant outlets mostly L-N loads