Part is a thin-walled (approx 1/8" avg) 4130 casting, finished machined and "heat treated" - to what extent, I do not know at this time - supplier is investigating - probably an "average" heat treat. The part after we received it was painted with a bake-on system that required it to be cycled as follows: 350 F 30 min, 30 min air cool, 500 F 30 min, air cool. It was re-painted again later and has gone through the same cycle again. So to total: 2 30 min 350 F cycles and 2 500 F 30 min cycles. Other much smaller steel parts of various types were also hanging in this oven and I observed varying color changes from dark blue to straw/gold on unpainted areas of these. The main larger part I am discussing here is totally coated flat black with the paint system and I cannot tell surface coloration on it. Question: did this temp cycling temper and toughen or anneal and weaken. There could be a safety issue here for the handler if the part is significantly weakened. I feel we are OK from reading other docs (such as pg 7 of ). Would like to know general consensus. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.