I'm trying to calculate the minimal distance between point and surface in the case of that its not possible to do an orthogonal projection of the point on the surface.
is there anyone who can help me?
If there is no possible orthogonal projection of the point to the surface then there may be one to a boundary curve. Failing that, then there will be a minimum distance to a corner point of the surface.
Are you using CATIA, if so, is it V4 or V5 Release what ?
Or is it some calculation being done in a program ? The question is too vague at the moment to do much with. Maybe the surface exists as an equation ; Z = f(X,Y) or whatever, or is it in a CATIA model. We don't know yet, more background information required.
ok, Im using catiav5 R10, the surface is sweep or extruded surface modled with catiaV5, and the coordinates of the point are knowen. so I just need to know witch method or functuion to use to calculate my distance!