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Jun 27, 2001

M-Fuel and Carbon Nano Tube Batteries...... the future is here!
So say all the press releases and while they show various web sites such as and they all come back to
This is a great site with the investors listed, the stock market price and lots of press releases.

But I can't find any actual information on what M-fuel is (no relation to M Fuel emergency charge paks (sic) for charging electronics like your cell phone, I presume) nor any technical specs for the CNT batteries.

The press release says the Carbon Nano Tube batteries will be only slightly more expensive than conventional but charge in 10 minutes and .... blah blah blah....

The slick site, credibility through investors i.e. these guys invested so it must be good (but then, lots of people invested in Bernie Madoff's scam too... so this is not so reassuring as it once was)... makes me suspect scam... like that Irish ZPE scam... (whatever happened to that?).

But if you guys think this is a good bet, please tell me....

Of course, lots of these stock "tips" are designed simply to drive idiots to invest and push the price up at which point whoever sent the tip from their botherd then sells out at the top and everyone else can watch their investment fall through the floor.

But I'm concious that I am getting too cynical these days... I don't believe a single damn word politicians say, I distrust Doctors like the plague (aspirin cause stomach ulcers. Next: an aspirin a day is good for the heart and now: aspirin is dangerous again) and I don't trust even such authority figures as Michael Mann and that other guy with the computer models.

I'm pretty sure all this distrust means I am missing out on some really good opportunities to get rich and everyone else seems to be getting rich out of Green technologies so help me out here guys, you lot, I might trust.

I haven't looked at your link at all, so my comments are general.

If it sounds too good to be true...

Stock scam-artists understand the value of investing in a good website. The slicker the website, the more worried I get.

I don't know who this "everybody else" is that you're talking about that's getting rich off "green technology". Just like hydrogen, there are lots who are trying, and venturing, and lots who are simply hoping that they can run it up and get out before the house of cards falls in. Some of the hydrogen/fuelcell folks remain as viable businesses even today, but the market capital that they accumulated during the peak is gone.

If the fundamental value proposition in the energy market changes, that will make a difference. While we continue to compete against burning coal and dumping the emissions scot-free into the atmosphere, there's no reliable money in it. Government subsidies come and go. If we get a $150/tonne CO2 tax in place, then look out- all sorts of green energy and energy efficiency investments will make sense.
Two breakthrough technologies from one company?
Yeah, right.

Mike Halloran
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
Well, they've gotta be pretty smart to get from astro-truf to nanotechnology, dontcha think?

Some interesting info at
Mr. Seigel was president of Siegel Research and Development, Inc., which created gaming, video and other technologies. Between 2006 and 2008 Mr. Seigel was president of C Line, Inc., a night club. Since 2008, Mr. Seigel was president of Leisure Time Industries Inc., a liquor, beer, and wine service.

I'm saying nothing, I don't want a horses head in my bed.

I work in the nanotechnology field. There are a lot of really smart people.

There are also a lot of not so smart but politically astute folks climbing their way up the corporate ladder and senior management that seem to have missed their calling as either a televangelist or used car/snake oil salesman.

Then theres me, who doesn't really fit in either category.

Posting guidelines faq731-376 (probably not aimed specifically at you)
What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
Sounds great! Where do I sign up?

Speaking of nanotechnology-- KENAT: I think our mutual company is going to be taken over.

Let that simmer for a couple of minutes.

Give me the money. I will say I invested it for you, but keep it for myself. After the scam tanks on you, I'll give you what you think you have left and keep the rest.
It is? Do spill the beans, or at least give a hint, we just had our weekly get together where these things normally come up but not a lot of people made it this week and no mention.

Not a massive surprise given our CEO's modus opperendi at his previous places. Running places into the ground and mergers featured prominently as I recall.

Posting guidelines faq731-376 (probably not aimed specifically at you)
What is Engineering anyway: faq1088-1484
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