- Jun 17, 2019
- 6
An equation below for deposition velocity estimation is introduced in Slurry Systems Handbook. This equation was published by Dominguez et al (1996).
g - gravity acceleration
RH - hydraulic radius
ρS - solids density
ρm - slurry density
d85 - solid particle size
The relation of VD and d85 is illustrated below, RH is 0.1 ft.
The relation chart of VD (ft/s) and RH (ft) is illustrated below, d85 is 0.5 mm
This chart meets our normal observation: the bigger the pipe/launder, the higher the deposition velocity.
For the slurry carrier’s viscosity different from water, the following equation is derived by Dominguez et al. (1996):
μm - slurry absolute viscosity
μL - carrier absolute viscosity
The book Slurry Systems Handbook has not mentioned the units of hydraulic radius and absolute viscosity, and the valid range of particle size, solids concentration and carrier viscosity.
Below is a chart of deposition velocity (ft/s) related to hydraulic radius (ft) where the viscosity is considered. d85 is 0.5 mm, μL is 0.00167 Pa•s, CV is 52%
This chart shows a negative relation of VD and RH: the bigger the pipe/launder, the lower the deposition velocity, which looks ridiculous. So, I doubt the correctness of the equation (6-53) mentioned in Slurry Systems Handbook
I have not access to the original paper of Dominguez et al. (1996). Does anybody have the paper and let me know the correct equation? I have asked the author of Slurry Systems Handbook by email for this question on June 11, 2019 but no reply yet so far.
Thanks a lot,
Robert Liang