- Sep 9, 2007
- 375
I am planning to use smooth round dowel bars for shear (out-of-plane) transfer purposes at vertical contraction joints in cast-in-place concrete walls. Basically, I am making the horizontal reinforcing discontinuous at the joints (which include reveals/chamfers on both wall faces to provide a weakened plane) and adding the smooth dowels at the center of the wall thickness. In designing the dowels I referenced ACI 224.3R-95 (Joints in Concrete Construction). This document was reapproved in 2013. In Chapter 8 (Walls), the document states the following: "PCA (1975) recommends using dowel bars that provide 0.015 times the cross-sectional area of the wall and extending 30 bar diameters each side of the joint as shown in Fig. 8.4". The PCA (1975) reference is "Basic Concrete Construction Practices". I do not have this reference. My question concerns the 0.015 factor. Taking a 12" thick wall and providing dowel bars at 24" on center results in a required dowel bar area equal to 4.32 square inches. Say what?? Clearly, this cannot be correct. Has anyone run into this before? I am guessing the correct factor is 0.0015 (i.e., a "0" was dropped from the published document). Or is the requirement to provide large bars (#9) at a very close spacing (6") for a 12" thick wall? I find that very hard to believe.