- Nov 5, 2010
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My company (in US) is contracting a supplier "A" to fabricate low level waste tanks IAW ASME Section VIII, Div 1. The supplier holds (amongst others) a U stamp and is in compliance w/ ASME NQA-1 and we have audited them to those standards. The supplier is going to sub the vessel fabrication (welding only) to a sub-tier "B" that also holds a U stamp, but does not have an NQA-1 program. My questions are, can they both U stamp the vessels pertaining to the work they perform as documented on the Code Data Report or will they require separate CDR's? Where in the Code allows this? Also, would partial reporting be in order here? BTW, "A" will fully implement their NQA-1 program at "B". I understand the NQA-1 portion but a little (or alot) fuzzy on the Section VIII side of it. Anything else that I might need to know, I would appriciate it.