I am currently reviewing the need to prepare an specification for electrical annunciation panels.
The ISA 18.1 addresses electrical announciators yet I am wondering if these are still relevant in the process industries for other purposes than machinery control panels.
In modern control systems I have worked on, the Operator Workplace Displays replaced the alarm panels and large screen displays (42" and above) have replaced the annunciators and alarm panels previously installed in the control room.
Is the usage of annunciator panels still relevant in this day of age?
I am currently reviewing the need to prepare an specification for electrical annunciation panels.
The ISA 18.1 addresses electrical announciators yet I am wondering if these are still relevant in the process industries for other purposes than machinery control panels.
In modern control systems I have worked on, the Operator Workplace Displays replaced the alarm panels and large screen displays (42" and above) have replaced the annunciators and alarm panels previously installed in the control room.
Is the usage of annunciator panels still relevant in this day of age?