- Jun 22, 2001
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I am attempting to carry out my honours year project (BEng) on the above subject using an actual case study of a wind farm connected to a local PES's weak section of network. The problem is that of over-voltage when the 2MVA of generation is running at full capacity under no load. The result being the network voltage may be over the UK statutory 6% allowable voltage level on occassion. The solution that is going to be implemented on a trial basis, with the intention of becoming a possible policy for similar installations is connecting a step voltage regulator to control the network voltages, being located at an optimal section up stream of the generator. The generator is being connected to an 11KV overhead line, radial distributor. I do not know enough about why the voltages are so high to allow me to analyse the problem for the start of my project, and I would very much appreciate any comments from anyone and/or any recommended reading that may enlighten me
thank you very much
Brian Thomas
thank you very much
Brian Thomas