- Mar 14, 2005
- 5
At my facility I have roof top substations and which some of them I have emergency back up nat gas generators. The generators provide power to 277 Volt Metal Halide Lighting for the production floor and also 277 v flourescent T8 lights with electronic ballasts in the rooftop substation itself. When recently testing the generator and transfer switch per NFPA requirements, I noticed that after the generator was running for 10+ minutes the flourescent lights started oscilating in light output the more and more the generator was left on. 50% of the lights ended up dying, since then I found out the bulbs and fuses are still good but the electronic ballasts are evidently fried. I am thinking of testing it again and perhaps putting a Fluke Power Quality analyzer on the generator output to see what is going on. The analog meter on the generator and a Fluke digital meter showed a solid 277 volts output while the generator was running. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what is going on here ?