- Oct 31, 2001
- 2,129
In a Florida community, common property is bay front. Bank erosion is taking place, where some of residents removed natural salt myrtles and grasses to improve their water front view. Centipede grass is planted to the bank edge. The root structure of the Centipede grass is not holding the soil together. The bank is three feet is height, storm erosion is threatening a retension pond. The community association is studying installing an aluminum bulkhead to stabilize the bank, which cost will be divided though the community. Road access is within 100 feet. The water depth is very shallow.
Are grout filled textiles mats a more cost effective solution? Anyone have any web links of cost analysis erosion control studies or recommendations?
Are grout filled textiles mats a more cost effective solution? Anyone have any web links of cost analysis erosion control studies or recommendations?