- Aug 2, 2002
- 72
We are building a 40 mile long guard cable project. I'm concerned about the possible erosion around the post during the period before grass has been established. The Soil is a silty clay with a liquid limit around 50. Standard ditch checks will be used. I had a previous project that required the use of blankets to prevent the erosion of loess soil which is highly erodible. We do not anticipate that this soil will erode as readily but any erosion that does happen will be difficult to repair with the post installed. Give me a hand here I want you thoughts. I plan on doing some calculations but normal procedures do not really apply. I'm assuming that the ditch checks work as detention storage but I don't have time to make this a research project and there are a host of things to consider. The actual physical properties of the soil are not even readily available from the standard soil data such as liquid limit and plastic limit.