- Feb 14, 2004
- 837
FM Data Sheet 3-26 FIRE PROTECTION WATER DEMAND FOR NONSTORAGE SPRINKLERED PROPERTIES 7/2011 ED For new or existing Nonstorage occupancies, it is acceptable to use storage sprinklers to protect all
areas of mixed storage and manufacturing, and Nonstorage. Determine the water demand design requirements and evaluate obstructions based on the applicable occupancy-specific storage data sheet.
NFPA 13 2010 says this, yea I know says nothing about non-storage, but this all I can find. Ordinary hazard storage and mics storage has Ord Grp. 1 & 2 designs.
12.6.7 CMSA and ESFR sprinklers shall be permitted to protect
ordinary hazard storage of Class I through Class IV commodities,
plastic commodities, miscellaneous storage, and
other storage as specified in Chapter 12 through Chapter 20
or by other NFPA standards.
So if I have an extra hazard occupancy as per NFPA can I use an ESFR system? Say an injection molding operation with hydraulic fluid?? Looks like FM says yes and NFPA No????
We see this when the spec building is built and ESFR is installed and a non-storage occupancy moves in. What would you do as the AHJ??
Fire Sprinklers Save Firefighters’ Lives Too!