- Nov 11, 2002
- 120
I exchange data with CATIA V5 alot and can't afford a PTC catia v5 to PRoe, PRoe to CATIA v5 translator. I want to know if these setting are the best? Are there other setting that I can add to my config.pro to improve translation.
these are the setting for exporting STEP files
step_export_format AP203IS
export_3d_force_default_naming NO
intf3d_out_extend_surface YES
intf3d_out_surface_deviation 0.0001
intf_out_as_bezier NO
intf3d_out_force_surface_normals NO
intf_out_max_bspl_degree 16
the reason I ask is this I translated a part out of Proe that had a rib (or a pin) on it. It had a .1mm flat then a .3mm fillet all around the .1mm flat. When I translated it into CATIA V5, the .1mm flat lost its exactness or diffinition of its boundaries. Instead of being rectangular the edges were wavey.
Anyway, are the config.pro setting above could it be improved or I have notice an "OPTIONS" in the dialogue window under the save as "STEP" menu. should I create special configuration files?
Thanks in Advance - texaspete
PS I exchange data with UG NX3. are there better STEP setting (config.pro) or I have notice an "OPTIONS" in the dialogue window, should I create special configuration files?