- May 7, 2003
- 41
Existing dispatching building with 208/120 V and existing communication tower
are provided to be upgraded and put into operation.
Information about existing grounding doesn't exist and new grounding is
provided to be installed
(1) four ground rods are provided around building
(2) three ground rods are provided around comm. tower
#2/0 Cu conductor, as ground wire, is provided to connect four ground rods
( building) and three ground rods ( tower). This small ground loops around
building and tower are provided to be interconected by the same conductor
( one conductor).
Question :
(1) If we connect existing Grounding System with new Grounding System
( suggestion by the customer) how many connections we have to do ?
Minimum two ?
are provided to be upgraded and put into operation.
Information about existing grounding doesn't exist and new grounding is
provided to be installed
(1) four ground rods are provided around building
(2) three ground rods are provided around comm. tower
#2/0 Cu conductor, as ground wire, is provided to connect four ground rods
( building) and three ground rods ( tower). This small ground loops around
building and tower are provided to be interconected by the same conductor
( one conductor).
Question :
(1) If we connect existing Grounding System with new Grounding System
( suggestion by the customer) how many connections we have to do ?
Minimum two ?