- Jul 15, 2009
- 98
Hi, I'm going through appendix Y in BPV Code Section VII - Div 1, "Flat face flanges with metal-to-metal contact outside the bolt circle"
I'm trying to find Mh, "the moment acting on end of hub, pipe, or shell, at its junction with back face of flange ring" and also Q, "the shear force between the flange ring and end of hub, pipe, or shell" Both required to find Ms, "the total moment on the flange ring..." From fig Y-3.2 I see where they are, but I can't seem to find the magnitude, position and orientation of the force creating Mh, nor can I figure out how to determine the magnitude of the shear force Q.
Hg, the gasket load due to seating pressure is similarly undefined, however I suspect that is zero because we're sealing the flanges with an o-ring, which require minimal seating stress, can someone please verify this?
Any help on these issues, or simply pointing me to some appendix Y sample calculations would be greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to find Mh, "the moment acting on end of hub, pipe, or shell, at its junction with back face of flange ring" and also Q, "the shear force between the flange ring and end of hub, pipe, or shell" Both required to find Ms, "the total moment on the flange ring..." From fig Y-3.2 I see where they are, but I can't seem to find the magnitude, position and orientation of the force creating Mh, nor can I figure out how to determine the magnitude of the shear force Q.
Hg, the gasket load due to seating pressure is similarly undefined, however I suspect that is zero because we're sealing the flanges with an o-ring, which require minimal seating stress, can someone please verify this?
Any help on these issues, or simply pointing me to some appendix Y sample calculations would be greatly appreciated!