I was reading dta guidelines about small antenna installation on top of the fuselage from Patrick Safarian and ı came across a problem and ı couldn't solve it. Can you help me about this?
"If deltaP=8.9 psi, fuselage Radius=128", pitch(spacing)=1.2", hole diameter=0.188", t=0.062", Ka=130 Ksi*in^0.5, Ftu=62 ksi and Fty=42 ksi show that the critical crack length is 0.242"?
I was reading dta guidelines about small antenna installation on top of the fuselage from Patrick Safarian and ı came across a problem and ı couldn't solve it. Can you help me about this?
"If deltaP=8.9 psi, fuselage Radius=128", pitch(spacing)=1.2", hole diameter=0.188", t=0.062", Ka=130 Ksi*in^0.5, Ftu=62 ksi and Fty=42 ksi show that the critical crack length is 0.242"?