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Generate CATPart from Product with colors 1

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Manuel Pimenta

Aug 17, 2019
Hi everyone,

I have been working on a macro that does basically the same as the CATIA command Generate CATPart from Product, except it keeps the original colours of the bodies and geometrical elements.
The colors of the bodies, especially the ones assigned to individual faces, is very important to the workflow of my company, since we use different colours to indicate different types of finishing quality.

The code is part reused from similar macros I found here and part made by me.
I should give credits to a lot of people from here, but I didn't take note of everyone.
Right now the macro works well, but i still have a few problems to deal with.
I'm posting here to ask for your help with one of them.
So the problem is: when copying bodies from parts that have instances, the pasted bodies all end up on one place, instead of landing on the same place as the instance they were copied from.
I tried using publications to overcome this, but i get inconsistent results.
Anyone has a different approach to this problem?
Thanks in advance.

My code so far
' Generate CATPart From Product with colors v0
'Manuel Pimenta 2019/08/17

'This macro runs from the root of the active CATProduct
'What it does:
'   Cycle trough all the parts in the tree, checks which ones are visible, and copies the visible bodies and geometrical elements to a new part
'   created in the root of the product
'   The name of each copied element is it's path in the tree
'   After all copies are done, the new part is opened in new window and deleted from the product root
'   The funcionality is identical to the CATIA command Generate CATPart From Product, but using the macro keeps the colors assigned to faces of bodies
'   and also the visual proprieties of geometrical elements


'Pending issues

'-> dealing with instanciated parts is a problem. In v0 copies of instanciated parts located in different places in the assembly will all be in the same place in the new part.
'A solution may be to publicate all elements to be copied,in order to keep the location of instanciated parts in the assembly.
'This solution was tested (disabled in v0), but the behaviour of the copies with publication is inconsistent, sometimes works, but not everytime.
'Still to be dealt with
'-> add a form in the begginig of macro to allow user to choose the name of the part were the bodies and geometrical elements will be pasted, and also
' give the option to choose copy with link or without link. If copy with link is choosen, the code that opens the new part in new window and deletes it
'from the main product should be jumped

Dim existPubCounter As Integer
Dim finalPubCounter As Integer

Sub CATMain()

    Dim rootProduct As Product
    Set rootProduct = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
    'add a new part to the root of the assembly.
    'MsgBox rootProduct.Products.Count
    Dim newPartProduct As Product
    Call Randomize
    suffix = Rnd(1) * 10000
    Set newPartProduct = rootProduct.Products.AddNewComponent("Part", rootProduct.Name + "_AllCATPart_Colors" + CStr(suffix))
    Dim newPart As Part
    Set newPart = newPartProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
    'hide new part origin planes
    Call HidePartOriginPlanes(newPart)
    'comfirm the new part has been created
    'MsgBox rootProduct.Products.Count
    Dim subProduct As Product
    'now loop though all the child products of the root product.
    For i = 1 To rootProduct.Products.Count - 1
        Set subProduct = rootProduct.Products.Item(i)
        'call the recursive function to copy all visible bodies from subProduct to the new part
        Call CopySubProduct(subProduct, newPart)

    'now that all bodies have been copied open the new part in a new window and delete it from the rootproduct tree
    Dim selection1 As Selection
    Set selection1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

    selection1.Add newPartProduct
    CATIA.StartCommand "Open in New Window"


End Sub

Sub CopySubProduct(aSubProduct As Product, targetPart As Part)
    'MsgBox aSubProduct.Name
    'MsgBox isVisible(aSubProduct)
    ' first check if subproduct is hidden. If hidden, skip it
    If isVisible(aSubProduct) = False Then
        Debug.Print aSubProduct.Name & " is hidden. No copies will be made"
        'MsgBox "esta escondido"
        Exit Sub
  'if it is the target part itself, then skip it...
   ElseIf aSubProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Name = targetPart.Parent.Name Then
    Debug.Print "Thats the target part..."
    Exit Sub

 ' if it is a part, make sure the part body is published and then
 ' copy-paste-special-as-result the part body into the new part
  ElseIf InStr(aSubProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Name, ".CATPart") = Len(aSubProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Name) - 7 Then
    Debug.Print aSubProduct.Name; " is a Part"
    Call CopyPasteBodies(aSubProduct, targetPart)
    Call CopyPasteHybridElements(aSubProduct, targetPart)
    'MsgBox "é um part"

    'if it is a sub assembly recursively call this subroutine on it
  ElseIf InStr(aSubProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Name, ".CATProduct") = Len(aSubProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Name) - 10 Then
     Debug.Print aSubProduct.Name & " is a Product"
     Dim subSubProduct As Product
     For i = 1 To aSubProduct.Products.Count
      Set subSubProduct = aSubProduct.Products.Item(i)
      Call CopySubProduct(subSubProduct, targetPart)
  End If
End Sub

Sub CopyPasteBodies(productA As Product, partA As Part)

    Dim part1 As Part
    Set part1 = productA.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
    Dim bodies1 As Bodies
    Set bodies1 = part1.Bodies
    Dim body1 As Body
    Dim origBody1Name As String
    Dim pastedBody As Body
    Dim pastedBodyName As String
    Dim selection2 As Selection
    Set selection2 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
    'Call PublishAllVisibleBodies(productA)
    For i = 1 To bodies1.Count
        Set body1 = bodies1.Item(i)
        If body1.InBooleanOperation = False And isVisible(body1) = True And body1.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
            origBody1Name = body1.Name
            selection2.Add body1
            'selection2.Add productA.Publications.Item(i).Valuation
            'MsgBox "publicação " + productA.Publications.Item(i).Name + productA.Name
            selection2.Add partA
            selection2.PasteSpecial "CATPrtResultWithOutLink"
            Set pastedBody = partA.Bodies.Item(partA.Bodies.Count)
            pastedBodyName = GetPathFromInstance(productA) + "\" + origBody1Name
            pastedBody.Name = pastedBodyName
            'MsgBox body1.Name + " body colado"
        End If
    'sel.Add sourcePartProduct.Publications.Item("PartBody").Valuation

End Sub

Sub CopyPasteHybridElements(productA As Product, targetPart As Part)

    Dim part1 As Part
    Set part1 = productA.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part

    Dim HybridBodies1 As HybridBodies
    Set HybridBodies1 = part1.HybridBodies

    Dim HybridBodies2 As HybridBodies
    Set HybridBodies2 = targetPart.HybridBodies

    Dim pastedHybridBody As HybridBody
    Dim targetPartHBCount As Integer
    Dim hybridBody1 As HybridBody

    Dim geosetName As String

    Dim select1 As Selection
    Set select1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

    'MsgBox HybridBodies1.Count

    For i = 1 To HybridBodies1.Count

        Set hybridBody1 = HybridBodies1.Item(i)
        If isVisible(hybridBody1) = True Then
            select1.Add HybridBodies1.Item(i)
            geosetName = select1.Item(1).Value.Name
            'MsgBox geosetName
            'select2.Search "CATAsmSearch.HybridBodies,scr"
            select1.Add targetPart
            select1.PasteSpecial "CATPrtResultWithOutLink"
            targetPartHBCount = HybridBodies2.Count
            Set pastedHybridBody = HybridBodies2.Item(targetPartHBCount)
            pastedHybridBody.Name = GetPathFromInstance(productA) + "\" + geosetName
            'delete copied elements that are hidden in original part
            Dim elemCount As Integer
            elemCount = hybridBody1.HybridShapes.Count
            Dim ElementVisible As Boolean
            For j = elemCount To 1 Step -1
                ElementVisible = isVisible(hybridBody1.HybridShapes.Item(j))
                If ElementVisible = False Then
                MsgBox hybridBody1.HybridShapes.Item(j).Name + " " + CStr(ElementVisible)
                select1.Add pastedHybridBody.HybridShapes.Item(j)
                End If
        End If


End Sub
'Sub PublishAllVisibleBodies(aPartProduct As Product)
'    'store number of existing publications
'    existPubCounter = aPartProduct.Publications.Count
'    finalPubCounter = existPubCounter
'    'get the part
'    Dim thePart As Part
'    Set thePart = aPartProduct.ReferenceProduct.Parent.Part
'    Dim body1 As Body
'    Dim numFeatures As Integer
'    For i = 1 To thePart.Bodies.Count
'        Set body1 = thePart.Bodies.Item(i)
'        numFeatures = body1.Shapes.Count + body1.Sketches.Count
'    'create publication only for visible bodies and bodies that are not empty
'        If isVisible(thePart.Bodies.Item(i)) = True And numFeatures > 0 Then
'            finalPubCounter = finalPubCounter + 1
'            Dim aPub As Publication
'            '  first try to get the publication
'            On Error Resume Next
'            Set aPub = aPartProduct.Publications.Item(thePart.Bodies.Item(i).Name)
'            Err.Clear
'            'publish the body
'            Dim ref As Reference
'            Set ref = aPartProduct.CreateReferenceFromName(aPartProduct.Name & "/!" & thePart.Bodies.Item(1).Name)
'            'MsgBox thePart.Bodies.Item(i).Name
'            Set aPub = aPartProduct.Publications.Add(thePart.Bodies.Item(i).Name)
'            aPartProduct.Publications.SetDirect thePart.Bodies.Item(i).Name, ref
'        End If
'    Next
'End Sub

Function isVisible(object1 As Object) As Boolean

    Dim sel1 As Selection
    Set sel1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
    'MsgBox Product.Name
    sel1.Add object1
    'MsgBox sel1.Item(1).Value.Name
    Dim showstate As CatVisPropertyShow
    Set visProperties1 = sel1.VisProperties
     visProperties1.GetShow showstate
    Select Case showstate
    Case catVisPropertyNoShowAttr
    'MsgBox "Hidden View"
    isVisible = False
    Case catVisPropertyShowAttr
    'MsgBox "visible View"
    isVisible = True
    End Select

End Function

Function GetPathFromInstance(inst As Product, Optional maxLevels As Integer = 100) As String

GetPathFromInstance = ""

Dim parentObj

Set parentObj = inst

Dim levelCnt As Integer

Dim stringToRemove As String

levelCnt = 0

Do While TypeName(parentObj) <> "Application" And levelCnt < maxLevels

  If TypeName(parentObj) = "Product" Then

     If Len(GetPathFromInstance) > 0 Then

          GetPathFromInstance = parentObj.Name & "\" & GetPathFromInstance
            stringToRemove = parentObj.Name

          GetPathFromInstance = parentObj.Name

      End If
   End If

   Set parentObj = parentObj.Parent

   levelCnt = levelCnt + 1


GetPathFromInstance = Right(GetPathFromInstance, Len(GetPathFromInstance) - Len(stringToRemove) - 1)

Exit Function

End Function

Sub HidePartOriginPlanes(myPart As Part)

Dim OriginElement, myPlaneZX, myPlaneXY, myPlaneYZ
Set OriginElement = myPart.OriginElements
Set myPlaneXY = OriginElement.PlaneXY
Set myPlaneYZ = OriginElement.PlaneYZ
Set myPlaneZX = OriginElement.PlaneZX

Dim RefmyPlaneXY As Reference
Set RefmyPlaneXY = myPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(myPlaneXY)
Dim RefmyPlaneYZ As Reference
Set RefmyPlaneYZ = myPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(myPlaneYZ)
Dim RefmyPlaneZX As Reference
Set RefmyPlaneZX = myPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(myPlaneZX)

Dim HS As HybridShapeFactory
Set HS = myPart.HybridShapeFactory
HS.GSMVisibility RefmyPlaneXY, 0
HS.GSMVisibility RefmyPlaneYZ, 0
HS.GSMVisibility RefmyPlaneZX, 0

End Sub
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