- Jan 25, 2011
- 5
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am running simulations in ABAQUS6.10-1 on a Windows 7 machine 64 bit.
I am using an example of user element subroutine called vuel_truss.for, recalled by an input file called vuel_truss_3d_1el.inp (in attachment and available in the ABAQUS documentation at 4.1.32). For these type of simulations ABAQUS documentation tells to use Intel 10 or 11 as Fortran compiler to be able to link the subroutine to the main ABAQUS framework. I tried the trial 64 bit version of the most recent Intel Fortran compiler (listed as 12) and everything works (also if it is more recent). Now I am trying to use the GNU Fortran compiler 64 bit and I have the following problems. If I just try to run the simulations using vuel_truss.for, usign the commands "abq6101 interactive job=test input=vuel_truss_3d_1el user=vuel_truss.for", I have the error listed in the attached file "Error if I run the file.for.txt". If I try to run the simulations using vuel_truss.obj (object file produced previously compiling vuel_truss.for using the GNU compiler, in attachment), substituting the piece of command "user=vuel_truss.for" with "user=vuel_truss.obj", I have the error listed in the attached file "Error if I run the file.obj.txt". In particular in this second case the simulation error is just before the start, and it regards the Abaqus/Explicit Packager. I modified the abaqus_v6.env to search for GNU Fortran, in particular now the part of the file about the compilers is:
compile_cpp=['g++', '/c', '/nologo', '/W0', '/MD',
'/TP', '/EHsc', '/DNDEBUG', '/DWIN32', '/DTP_IP', '/D_CONSOLE',
'/DNTI', '/DFLT_LIC', '/DOL_DOC', '/D__LIB__', '/DHKS_NT',
'/DABQ_NTI_NET', '/DFAR=', '/D_WINDOWS', '/DABQ_WIN86_64',
'/O1', '/I%I']
compile_fortran=['gfortran', '/c','/DABQ_WIN86_64',
'/recursive', '/Qauto-scalar', '/QxW', '/nologo', '/Od', '/include:%I']
with "g++" and "gfortran".
I am particularly interested in knowing what's happened in the obj file case with the Abaqus/Explicit Packager error. One particular thing is that in this case the object file is 50% (4096 bytes) of the dimension of the obbject file compiled with the Intel fortran (8192 bytes).
Thank you very much,
I am running simulations in ABAQUS6.10-1 on a Windows 7 machine 64 bit.
I am using an example of user element subroutine called vuel_truss.for, recalled by an input file called vuel_truss_3d_1el.inp (in attachment and available in the ABAQUS documentation at 4.1.32). For these type of simulations ABAQUS documentation tells to use Intel 10 or 11 as Fortran compiler to be able to link the subroutine to the main ABAQUS framework. I tried the trial 64 bit version of the most recent Intel Fortran compiler (listed as 12) and everything works (also if it is more recent). Now I am trying to use the GNU Fortran compiler 64 bit and I have the following problems. If I just try to run the simulations using vuel_truss.for, usign the commands "abq6101 interactive job=test input=vuel_truss_3d_1el user=vuel_truss.for", I have the error listed in the attached file "Error if I run the file.for.txt". If I try to run the simulations using vuel_truss.obj (object file produced previously compiling vuel_truss.for using the GNU compiler, in attachment), substituting the piece of command "user=vuel_truss.for" with "user=vuel_truss.obj", I have the error listed in the attached file "Error if I run the file.obj.txt". In particular in this second case the simulation error is just before the start, and it regards the Abaqus/Explicit Packager. I modified the abaqus_v6.env to search for GNU Fortran, in particular now the part of the file about the compilers is:
compile_cpp=['g++', '/c', '/nologo', '/W0', '/MD',
'/TP', '/EHsc', '/DNDEBUG', '/DWIN32', '/DTP_IP', '/D_CONSOLE',
'/DNTI', '/DFLT_LIC', '/DOL_DOC', '/D__LIB__', '/DHKS_NT',
'/DABQ_NTI_NET', '/DFAR=', '/D_WINDOWS', '/DABQ_WIN86_64',
'/O1', '/I%I']
compile_fortran=['gfortran', '/c','/DABQ_WIN86_64',
'/recursive', '/Qauto-scalar', '/QxW', '/nologo', '/Od', '/include:%I']
with "g++" and "gfortran".
I am particularly interested in knowing what's happened in the obj file case with the Abaqus/Explicit Packager error. One particular thing is that in this case the object file is 50% (4096 bytes) of the dimension of the obbject file compiled with the Intel fortran (8192 bytes).
Thank you very much,