- Aug 19, 2006
- 2
HI everyone! I have 3 12V regular motors. Motor #1 run then it must be stopped and #2 start then stop and #3 start then stop and #2 start in opposite direction and stop then #1 start in the same direction again to begin a new cycle. But odd cycle (1,3,5,7,9,etc) motor #3 run in one direction and even cycle (2,4,6,8,10,etc)#3 run in opposite direction. Motor #1 drive a small flat belt, #2 and 3 drive a gear rack. I plan to use flat belt and racks to close or open microswitch to activate relays. One cycle last about 5 seconds. This machine will operate couple thousand times a day. I can only afford cheap device like microswitch and relay. I draw a lot of diagrams so far, but nothing works. Hope someone can come up with a genius design to help me. Thank you very much!!!