- Sep 13, 2003
- 12
I am working for a gas productýon and dýstrubýtýon company and have some dýffýcultýes wýth to understand the desýgn parameters of the vertýcal or horýzantal seperators... I have the GPSA book and ý dýd the calculatýons wýth the book but ý could not fýnd the same dýamensýons wýth the our seperator supplýers. How can I be sure the vessels I have here are desýgned good.. Because I fýnd a dýfferent sýze (diameter and length) and supplýer send a dýfferent sýozes...Is there any rules for desýgnýng the seperators...or how can I say the desýgn whých ý dýd ýs true?
If there ýs somebody to understand How to desýgn the seperators please help me?
If there ýs somebody to understand How to desýgn the seperators please help me?