- Nov 3, 2002
- 21
Currently I am reviewing the need for PWHT of anhydrous ammonia and ammine piping systems as a service requirement. Therefore I would greatly appreciate your feedback to following questions:
1. Is it the best industry practice to heat treat weld joints in anhydrous ammonia & ammine process pipe lines as a service requirement to minimise the risk of SCC damage?
2. Is there any reported incidents related to SCC damage in process piping in ammine or anhydrous service? If so how was the defect found / Did the failure cause damage to plant, people / Service life of the line etc?
3. What type of non-intrusive (external) inspection methods do you use to look for SCC in, say 50mm to 100mm NB piping systems? (We are planning to use UT crack testing, as it is not practical to use MPI)
1. Is it the best industry practice to heat treat weld joints in anhydrous ammonia & ammine process pipe lines as a service requirement to minimise the risk of SCC damage?
2. Is there any reported incidents related to SCC damage in process piping in ammine or anhydrous service? If so how was the defect found / Did the failure cause damage to plant, people / Service life of the line etc?
3. What type of non-intrusive (external) inspection methods do you use to look for SCC in, say 50mm to 100mm NB piping systems? (We are planning to use UT crack testing, as it is not practical to use MPI)