- Oct 22, 2007
- 2
I'm designing a simple 433 MHz radio link to transmit some low rate measurement data from a bridge/quay to a building nearby. I need some help estimating if I will get a reliable communication.
Please have a look at this page (a draft of the surroundings):
The end of the quay is just visible from the building. There's also about 10 big trees in the line of sight.
The link is one way only, that is I can send each data package several times but I can't get any acknowledge from the receiver.
I have tried to calculate the link budget like so:
Path loss (free space) = 20*log(433)+20*log(180)+28 = 69 dB
The transmitter power is +10 dB.
The receiver sensitivity is -100 dB.
Losses will probably be approx -5 dB.
Both antennas have +2 dB gain.
Link budget: +10-(-100)-5+2+2 = 109 dB
That would give me a margin of 109-69 = 40 dB.
My concerns are what attenuation I can expect from the trees and if the fact that the LOS is close to the ground will be troublesome.
Will I be able to get a reliable communication?
Any input is appreciated!
Thanks. /weedogt
I'm designing a simple 433 MHz radio link to transmit some low rate measurement data from a bridge/quay to a building nearby. I need some help estimating if I will get a reliable communication.
Please have a look at this page (a draft of the surroundings):
The end of the quay is just visible from the building. There's also about 10 big trees in the line of sight.
The link is one way only, that is I can send each data package several times but I can't get any acknowledge from the receiver.
I have tried to calculate the link budget like so:
Path loss (free space) = 20*log(433)+20*log(180)+28 = 69 dB
The transmitter power is +10 dB.
The receiver sensitivity is -100 dB.
Losses will probably be approx -5 dB.
Both antennas have +2 dB gain.
Link budget: +10-(-100)-5+2+2 = 109 dB
That would give me a margin of 109-69 = 40 dB.
My concerns are what attenuation I can expect from the trees and if the fact that the LOS is close to the ground will be troublesome.
Will I be able to get a reliable communication?
Any input is appreciated!
Thanks. /weedogt