- May 21, 2001
- 82
'In Acad v14 exists a layer with Linetype = Dashed
'That layer is the active layer
'From VB6 automation control I have;
'P(0 To 11) is an array of Doubles (4 points)
Dim tmpPolyLine
Set tmpPolyLine = moSpace.Add3dpoly(p)
'the polyline is drawn in the layers color but not dashed
tmpPolyLine.Color = acRed 'will change the color to red
'Why isn't the line dashed
'That layer is the active layer
'From VB6 automation control I have;
'P(0 To 11) is an array of Doubles (4 points)
Dim tmpPolyLine
Set tmpPolyLine = moSpace.Add3dpoly(p)
'the polyline is drawn in the layers color but not dashed
tmpPolyLine.Color = acRed 'will change the color to red
'Why isn't the line dashed