- Oct 14, 2003
- 4
I have a grading question that involves the new construction of a detached garage. Existing home is dug into relatively steep grade (north to south) on the north side of the lot. There is a "step-down" running east-west that splits the lot and slopes further to the south. The new construction is to be placed at the southeast corner of the home on the lower tier of the property. There is a drive along the south lot line and a neighboring home directly on the south lot line (and subsequently, directly south of drive). Neighboring home already experiences massive foundation problems. There is another lot directly south of where the garage is proposed (about 75' deep in the east-west orientation), it joins the property at a perpedicular angle and the home is at least 50' to the south, however, don't want water drainage to be a problem for their yard either. First question is, how can water be directed as to not adversely affect the neighbor directly to the south with existing foundation problems? Second question is, how can gutter system on garage be arranged so as not to adversely affect perpendicularly abutted property's yard area? Thanks for bearing with rather lengthy and confusing description. Anything I'm missing here?