- Apr 2, 2009
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If you hate to read, please skip down to the short version.
The long version: I like camping, but enjoy it best when I have Internet access. Most campgrounds I frequent have Wi-Fi, but of course I usually get horrible to no reception, as I'm surrounded by a bunch of beautiful green RF attenuators. In the past, I've used an old CPE unit with a patch antenna, and router in one package on a 20 foot pole. I have an ethernet cable going into my camper, and a router redistributes the Internet to our laptops. Unfortunately, I usually waste at least a day playing with antenna alignment, walking around detecting the Wi-Fi hotspots, and hiding covert wi-fi repeaters to get a reliable connection. I figure my current setup should be retired. My new setup is likely to be a 24dB wire mesh parabolic antenna, a 500mW bidirectional amplifier, and a small router on the top of the pole, with the rest the same. While I'm a Ham, and a retired EE, Antennas and RF have never been my strong point. I've done some research, and found a circular-polarized antenna would likely work the best with all the trees around. So:
And now for the short version:
I want to put a circular-polarized antenna at the focal point of a grid parabolic reflector. Considering most of the designs for a circular-polarized antenna (Helical) are long, will this work? Should I get the smallest antenna I can find, and put it at the focal point? I understand Helical antennas need a reflector on the back. Can I just put a long helical antenna in the middle of the dish, and have the dish act as the reflector? Instead of just throwing together a Frankenstein antenna, and hope it turns out well in the end, I'd rather have some good solid advice. Thanks in advance!