- Aug 4, 2021
- 3
Low-Pressure Rectangular Pressure Vessel Code for space, what code to choose?
[Technically hermetic enclosure]
ASME BPVC Sect VIII Div 1 Appendix 13
ASME BPVC Sec VIII Div 2 Part 4.12
- Purpose: Hermetically enclosed Astrobio experiments aboard small free-flying satellite vessels.
- Pressure: Design at 2 atm (space launch req) operating at 1 atm for astrobio experiment.
- Volume: 300 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm (6U Cubesat form factor)
- Sealed via top face panel with rectangular hole pattern and o-ring.
- FEA is needed to compare to Numerical Calculations. Stress Linearization first thought.
- Additional dynamic FEA [modal, random, shock] will be carried out for launch.
- Ambient temperature for now
ASME is an allowable code as per usual NASA launch reqs.
Cubesats are presenting a new source for astrobio experiments. This requires a workflow of a hermetic metal enclosure that will undergo dynamic load environments for a launch. Rectangular volumes allow the most accessibility to current proof-of-concept launch opportunities.
[Technically hermetic enclosure]
ASME BPVC Sect VIII Div 1 Appendix 13
ASME BPVC Sec VIII Div 2 Part 4.12
- Purpose: Hermetically enclosed Astrobio experiments aboard small free-flying satellite vessels.
- Pressure: Design at 2 atm (space launch req) operating at 1 atm for astrobio experiment.
- Volume: 300 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm (6U Cubesat form factor)
- Sealed via top face panel with rectangular hole pattern and o-ring.
- FEA is needed to compare to Numerical Calculations. Stress Linearization first thought.
- Additional dynamic FEA [modal, random, shock] will be carried out for launch.
- Ambient temperature for now
ASME is an allowable code as per usual NASA launch reqs.
Cubesats are presenting a new source for astrobio experiments. This requires a workflow of a hermetic metal enclosure that will undergo dynamic load environments for a launch. Rectangular volumes allow the most accessibility to current proof-of-concept launch opportunities.