- Mar 5, 2003
- 432
I am using the following macro to rebuild all configs of a model and return me any false values in a desktop file. I thought this would give me any configurations with rebuild errors, but apparently that is not the case. I have found on several instances that I have features with errors but have been retruned a true value for the rebuild. Does anyone have any ideas:
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim vConfNameArr As Variant
Dim sConfigName As String
Dim nStart As Single
Dim i As Long
Dim bShowConfig As Boolean
Dim bRebuild As Boolean
Dim bRet As Boolean
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Debug.Print "File = " + swModel.GetPathName
vConfNameArr = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
Open "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Config RB.txt"
For Output As #1 ' Open file for output.
For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNameArr)
sConfigName = vConfNameArr(i)
bShowConfig = swModel.ShowConfiguration2(sConfigName)
nStart = Timer
bRebuild = swModel.ForceRebuild3(False)
Debug.Print " Config = " & sConfigName
'Debug.Print " ShowConfig = " & bShowConfig
Debug.Print " Rebuild = " & bRebuild
'Debug.Print " Time = " & Timer - nStart & " s"
'This example uses the Print # statement to write data to a file.
If bRebuild = False Then Print #1, sConfigName; bRebuild, 'Else Print #1, " Rebuild Successful = " & bRebuild
Next i
Close #1 ' Close file.
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim vConfNameArr As Variant
Dim sConfigName As String
Dim nStart As Single
Dim i As Long
Dim bShowConfig As Boolean
Dim bRebuild As Boolean
Dim bRet As Boolean
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Debug.Print "File = " + swModel.GetPathName
vConfNameArr = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
Open "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Config RB.txt"
For Output As #1 ' Open file for output.
For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNameArr)
sConfigName = vConfNameArr(i)
bShowConfig = swModel.ShowConfiguration2(sConfigName)
nStart = Timer
bRebuild = swModel.ForceRebuild3(False)
Debug.Print " Config = " & sConfigName
'Debug.Print " ShowConfig = " & bShowConfig
Debug.Print " Rebuild = " & bRebuild
'Debug.Print " Time = " & Timer - nStart & " s"
'This example uses the Print # statement to write data to a file.
If bRebuild = False Then Print #1, sConfigName; bRebuild, 'Else Print #1, " Rebuild Successful = " & bRebuild
Next i
Close #1 ' Close file.
End Sub