- Mar 12, 2003
- 8
Dear All,
Is is allowed to make 150lbs and 300lbs lap jojnt flanges from 150lbs and 300lbs slip on flanges by simply remomving the raise face?
My flange sub-vendor is telling me that this is allowed, but why is it then that the ASME B16.5-2009 lists different tf thicknesses for slip on flanges and lap-joint flanges in table 8, column 3&4 and table 11 column 3&4)?
Currently when we make LJ flanges completely ourselves we use the tf from the "lap joint" column 4. But when we order out for LJ flanges 150 & 300 lbs we get slip on flanges with the raised face removed and tf according to column 3.
I would like to keep my flanges uniform, so if tf from column 3 is allowed, I would like to use it, but how can I convince inspectors with the ASME B16.5-2009 in my hand, when the value is smaller then the tf "lap joint" value in column 4?
Your input would be highly appreciated.
Aarnoud van Ommen
Is is allowed to make 150lbs and 300lbs lap jojnt flanges from 150lbs and 300lbs slip on flanges by simply remomving the raise face?
My flange sub-vendor is telling me that this is allowed, but why is it then that the ASME B16.5-2009 lists different tf thicknesses for slip on flanges and lap-joint flanges in table 8, column 3&4 and table 11 column 3&4)?
Currently when we make LJ flanges completely ourselves we use the tf from the "lap joint" column 4. But when we order out for LJ flanges 150 & 300 lbs we get slip on flanges with the raised face removed and tf according to column 3.
I would like to keep my flanges uniform, so if tf from column 3 is allowed, I would like to use it, but how can I convince inspectors with the ASME B16.5-2009 in my hand, when the value is smaller then the tf "lap joint" value in column 4?
Your input would be highly appreciated.
Aarnoud van Ommen