- Jan 2, 2015
- 96
I know this has been discussed on here more than one once but I still have some questions...
One of the many changes in 318-14 included rewording and organization of minimum reinforcement requirements. Looking at minimum flexural reinforcement for non-prestressed mat foundations shall be in accordance with which makes no mention of the exception for 4/3 more than is required by analysis statement. R8.6.1.1 makes the point that in contrast to T&S steel this minimum should be placed at each tension face. So I interpret this as follows: even in a mat foundation which is lightly loaded but sees both positive and negative flexure one would have to provide 0.0018 x gross area at each face regardless of the demand. This would be in contrast to one providing 0.0018 x half the depth at the top & bot for T&S and checking if it is 4/3 more than required for flexure. Do you agree with this interpretation of ACE 318-14? Any strategies to reduce reinforcement staying within the code 318-14? Plain concrete mat foundation for flexure if it works (are there provisions that address this?) and then add T&S because you just want to? What about a single mat of steel in center for flexure(serving both pos & neg) and then provided t&s steel for half the depth at the top (this would be in the application for the top surface is an exposed floor surface.)
One of the many changes in 318-14 included rewording and organization of minimum reinforcement requirements. Looking at minimum flexural reinforcement for non-prestressed mat foundations shall be in accordance with which makes no mention of the exception for 4/3 more than is required by analysis statement. R8.6.1.1 makes the point that in contrast to T&S steel this minimum should be placed at each tension face. So I interpret this as follows: even in a mat foundation which is lightly loaded but sees both positive and negative flexure one would have to provide 0.0018 x gross area at each face regardless of the demand. This would be in contrast to one providing 0.0018 x half the depth at the top & bot for T&S and checking if it is 4/3 more than required for flexure. Do you agree with this interpretation of ACE 318-14? Any strategies to reduce reinforcement staying within the code 318-14? Plain concrete mat foundation for flexure if it works (are there provisions that address this?) and then add T&S because you just want to? What about a single mat of steel in center for flexure(serving both pos & neg) and then provided t&s steel for half the depth at the top (this would be in the application for the top surface is an exposed floor surface.)