- Nov 1, 2007
- 7
Hi -
I'm currently preparing a line for a hot tap and I have been religiously following the API 2201 in the process. Based on that document, I have a clear understand on metal minimum thickness and how to proceed & what precautions to take when welding onto a thin pipe. However, API seems to be silent on determining the maximum allowable internal pressure for welding the hot tap nozzle onto the pipe.
Our refinery uses the formula:
P = (2*t*SE)/(D-2Yt)
where t, measured thickness, is multiplied by 0.4 (how far HAZ is extended during welding), Y = 0.4, D is your pipe diameter, E = 1 and S is the allowable stress at Mean temperature which is significantly lower than my design allowable stress.
So, the result was a maximum internal pressure that is lower than our operating pressure. Seems like the only way to proceed is to lower the operating pressure below maximum.
Here's my pipe data
Design: 500 F @ 400#
Operat: 450 F @ 330#
Stress allowable at Design: 18900#
Pipe Material: A-106B
Size: 14"
THK: 0.375" Nom (assume minimal corrosion)
Any advice would be appreciated.
FYI: I've also looked at API 1104. No info there about Maximum Internal Pressure during welding.
I'm currently preparing a line for a hot tap and I have been religiously following the API 2201 in the process. Based on that document, I have a clear understand on metal minimum thickness and how to proceed & what precautions to take when welding onto a thin pipe. However, API seems to be silent on determining the maximum allowable internal pressure for welding the hot tap nozzle onto the pipe.
Our refinery uses the formula:
P = (2*t*SE)/(D-2Yt)
where t, measured thickness, is multiplied by 0.4 (how far HAZ is extended during welding), Y = 0.4, D is your pipe diameter, E = 1 and S is the allowable stress at Mean temperature which is significantly lower than my design allowable stress.
So, the result was a maximum internal pressure that is lower than our operating pressure. Seems like the only way to proceed is to lower the operating pressure below maximum.
Here's my pipe data
Design: 500 F @ 400#
Operat: 450 F @ 330#
Stress allowable at Design: 18900#
Pipe Material: A-106B
Size: 14"
THK: 0.375" Nom (assume minimal corrosion)
Any advice would be appreciated.
FYI: I've also looked at API 1104. No info there about Maximum Internal Pressure during welding.