Gayle Lewin
- May 21, 2019
- 1
I'm trying to figure out how to model a bioswale with an underdrain. the underdrain goes to an overflow structure, but in order to account for water quantity, i need to include a weir with orifice in the catch basin. I have it modeled currently with the catch basin having a culvert outlet as primary, orifice at my orifice elevation, and then sharp crested weir for the top of the weir for overflow. i think i have that modeled correctly at this point.
but now i'm trying to figure out how to add in the perforated pipe. I have it modeled as exfiltration with 100% storage shown in the pond model, and the invert elevation set to the bottom of the pipe, and the whole thing routed in the direction of the catch basin. but, i'm unsure how to model the perforations (constant flow with cfs?) and then how to get it in to the catch basin downstream, before the weir.
but now i'm trying to figure out how to add in the perforated pipe. I have it modeled as exfiltration with 100% storage shown in the pond model, and the invert elevation set to the bottom of the pipe, and the whole thing routed in the direction of the catch basin. but, i'm unsure how to model the perforations (constant flow with cfs?) and then how to get it in to the catch basin downstream, before the weir.