- Jun 17, 2002
- 48
I am a new user of Hydrocad, and I am attempting to model a swale that drains into a detention pond. This swale has drainage flowing into it along its length, and drainage from a catch basin system discharging to the head of the swale. Currently I have the entire drainage area modeled as one subcatchment, with the swale included as part of the T[c] calculation. A pond node models the last catch basin with a culvert outlet discharging to the swale.
What would the best way be to model this? My thought is to break the subcatchment into multiple nodes, representing the drainage area. The swale would then be modeled as 4 or 5 reaches, with point discharges along the length of the entire swale. Is there a better way to make the model than this? I look forward to your insights.
Shane Mullen
What would the best way be to model this? My thought is to break the subcatchment into multiple nodes, representing the drainage area. The swale would then be modeled as 4 or 5 reaches, with point discharges along the length of the entire swale. Is there a better way to make the model than this? I look forward to your insights.
Shane Mullen