My company utilizes blind flanges frequently in multipoint thermocouple assemblies designed to ASME BPVC SECTION VIII, DIV.1. Frequently these blind flanges have multiple holes drilled through them in circular patterns around the flange center. Calculations are typically done per UG-39 to determine flange thickness.
ASME B16.5, Table 6 shows single, centered hole size limitations in blind flanges without requiring a hubbed flange. Hubbed flanges in the case of a slip-on flange have a hole through the center the size of the pipe OD that the flange is designated for.
Rather than doing UG-39 calcs, is it allowable to determine whether the holes drilled in our flanges are fully circumscribed by either this minimum allowable diameter hole for the standard blind flange or by the pipe OD of the hubbed flange, and if so, to use the flange as directed per ASME B16.5?
I have seen this proposed as a practical approach to flange analysis by a well known member of this forum in another thread, but I have not seen any indication in the code or related documents that explicitly allow this.
ASME B16.5, Table 6 shows single, centered hole size limitations in blind flanges without requiring a hubbed flange. Hubbed flanges in the case of a slip-on flange have a hole through the center the size of the pipe OD that the flange is designated for.
Rather than doing UG-39 calcs, is it allowable to determine whether the holes drilled in our flanges are fully circumscribed by either this minimum allowable diameter hole for the standard blind flange or by the pipe OD of the hubbed flange, and if so, to use the flange as directed per ASME B16.5?
I have seen this proposed as a practical approach to flange analysis by a well known member of this forum in another thread, but I have not seen any indication in the code or related documents that explicitly allow this.