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Need help, getting [empty sym] with solve function

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Mar 17, 2012
Hey everybody out there, I've been working on a script for a while now and I just can't get it to work, since I need to use the solve function.
The problem now is that it gives me the whole time an [empty sym] value while in fact I need a numerical value. (has probably something to do ith getting no explicit solution)

I've already tried, fsolve, fzero, and even took a look at the bisection method but that seemed to complex and more importantly would take to long.

So I'm asking if somebody could take a look at my file and teel me what I did wrong and how I could solve it.

There are a lot of comments in dutch, which just merely state what some symbols mean and why I put that code there, since it's for a project that I'm working on with other people (they don't know how to solve it either).

%Geheugen wissen
clear all

n = 0.3; 
progressbar('tot', 'acyc', 'Riproces','Omegaduur') % Create figure and set starting time 

%Variabelen invoeren


Q = 300/3600;     
%Lengte kanaal(0.250<Lc<0.300)
Lc = 0.2; 
%Diameter kanaal          
diametercmin = 1e-3;      %kleinste
diametercmax = 10e-3;      %grootste 
%Reductie in het doorstroomd oppervlak
e = 0.1;        
%Buitenstraal filterelement(<0.100)   
Ro = 0.1;
%Binnenstraal filterelement
Ri = (2/5)*Ro;                    
%Dichtheid vervuiling
Dichtheidp = 2000;         
%Dichtheid lucht
Dichtheids = 1.188;       
%Viscositeit lucht
viscositeit = 18e-6;
%Hoek van de schoepen in de swirler
amin = 10; %kleinste
amax = 80; %grootste

%drukval swirler
%dPswirler = ?;

%totale drukval(moet < 500)
%dPtotaal = dPswirler + dPfilter + dPpreseperator +dP postseparator

for diameterc = diametercmin:2.5e-4:diametercmax % diameter kanaal
    for a = amin:5:amax %hoek stap groote in graden
        for Riswirl = Ri+0.05:0.05:Ro %binnen diameter swirl
        %for Omega = 0:1:500 %dit was gebruikt toen we nog geen formule
        %voor Omega hadden
        %Hoek van de schoepen in de swirler
        alpha = a*2*pi/360;
        %Frontaal oppervlakte filter
        A = pi*(Ro^2-Ri^2)*(1-e);
        %Frontaal oppervlakte swirler(aannemende dat we de Ro en Ri hetzelfde
        A2 = pi*(Ro^2-Riswirl^2);
        %Stroomsnelheid door filter
        Vg = Q/A;        
        %Axiale stroomsnelheid door swirler
        Vg2 = Q/A2;
        syms Omega1 %variabele invoeren zodat matlba niet gaat zeuren bij de volgende formules
        Gswirl=((2*viscositeit*tan(alpha)*Q^2)*(Ro^3 - Riswirl^3))/(3*pi*(Ro^2 - Riswirl^2)^2); % impulsmoment swirl
        Gfe=(3*Dichtheids*Omega1*Q*(Ro^5-Ri^5))/(5*(Ro^3-Ri^3)); % impulsmoment filter element
        veiligheidsfactor=0.9; % veiligheids factor voor deeltjes grote tov dc
        Lpre=(81*viscositeit*(Vg+Vg2)*(Riswirl-Ri)*Ri^3*(Ro-Ri)^2)/((veiligheidsfactor*diameterc)^2*(Dichtheidp-Dichtheids)*Omega1^2*(Ro^3-Ri^3)^2); %lengte die de pre separator moet krijgen om de juiste orde deeltje te filteren
        Gpre=Gswirl*(1-10^(-0.01695*(Lpre/(2*Ro))^0.8)); % impulsmoment preseparator
        SomG=(Gswirl-Gfe-Gpre); % gebruikt voor de volgende controle, somatie van de impulsmomenten
        symvar(SomG) % dit laat zien welke variable er in SomG zitten en is alleen bedoeld ter controle om te kijken of alles behalve Omega1 ook wel echt een warde heeft
        Omega=solve('Gswirl-Gfe-Gpre=0', 'Omega1') % hier moet eigenlijk een ; achter maar die staat er nu even niet om te zien of Omega een goede waarde krijgt
        %De code die hier staat had ik gebruikt omdat ik eerst dacht er een
        %symbolische waarde uitkwam bij de solve functie (toen had ik Omega
        %ook Omegamatrix genoemt. Deze Omegatrix gaf toen een matrix en
        %deze code heb ik toen gebruikt om de variabelen in de matrix af te
        %gaan, maar na goed kijken bleek dat de waardes in deze matrix niet
        %ander dan fout konden zijn omdat ze totaal niet veranderde als de
        %variabelen werden verandert.
        %for stap = 1:1:n
           % Omega=Omegamatrix(1,stap);
            if (Omega>omegahoogste) % ook een simpele nacontrole
        %Grootte van deeltjes die wordt afgevangen 100% (in ideale situatie, Q
        %evenredig met straal)(=3e-6)
        dp100 = sqrt((27*viscositeit*Q*diameterc)/((Dichtheidp-Dichtheids)*Omega^2*Lc*(1-e)*pi*(Ro^3-Ri^3)));
        dPfilter = ((53.12*viscositeit*Lc)/(Dichtheids*Vg*((1/3)*sqrt(3)*diameterc))+1.16)*.5*Dichtheids*Vg^2;
        %Assnelheid Reax moet < 2000
        Reax = (Dichtheids*Vg*diameterc)/viscositeit;
        %Hoeksnelheid Reomega < 108
        Reomega = (Dichtheids*Omega*diameterc^2)/viscositeit;
        if ((Reax <= 2000 && Reomega <= 108)||(Reax <= 166)) % gelden de regels voor laminair stroming?
        if (dp100 <= 3e-6 && dp100 > optdp100) %ligt de dp100 dichter bij 3 micrometer dan het vorige deeltje?
            if (dPfilter <= optdPfilter) % is de drukval kleiner, daarom optdPfilter in begin op 500 gesteld zodat er direct aan de juiste voorwaarde word voldaan
        %end %hoort bij de formule van de matrix
        %end %hoort bij de for loop waarbij we de omega lieten varieren
    pause(1e-99) % Do something important 
      progressbar((diameterc-diametercmin)/(diametercmax-diametercmin)) % Update figure 

%Gevraagde antwoorden

I also implemented a progessbar created by the great person: Steve Hoelzer
for the progessbar to work the file should be saved in the same folder
function progressbar(varargin)
% Description:
%   progressbar() provides an indication of the progress of some task using
% graphics and text. Calling progressbar repeatedly will update the figure and
% automatically estimate the amount of time remaining.
%   This implementation of progressbar is intended to be extremely simple to use
% while providing a high quality user experience.
% Features:
%   - Can add progressbar to existing m-files with a single line of code.
%   - Supports multiple bars in one figure to show progress of nested loops.
%   - Optional labels on bars.
%   - Figure closes automatically when task is complete.
%   - Only one figure can exist so old figures don't clutter the desktop.
%   - Remaining time estimate is accurate even if the figure gets closed.
%   - Minimal execution time. Won't slow down code.
%   - Randomized color. When a programmer gets bored...
% Example Function Calls For Single Bar Usage:
%   progressbar               % Initialize/reset
%   progressbar(0)            % Initialize/reset
%   progressbar('Label')      % Initialize/reset and label the bar
%   progressbar(0.5)          % Update
%   progressbar(1)            % Close
% Example Function Calls For Multi Bar Usage:
%   progressbar(0, 0)         % Initialize/reset two bars
%   progressbar('A', '')      % Initialize/reset two bars with one label
%   progressbar('', 'B')      % Initialize/reset two bars with one label
%   progressbar('A', 'B')     % Initialize/reset two bars with two labels
%   progressbar(0.3)          % Update 1st bar
%   progressbar(0.3, [])      % Update 1st bar
%   progressbar([], 0.3)      % Update 2nd bar
%   progressbar(0.7, 0.9)     % Update both bars
%   progressbar(1)            % Close
%   progressbar(1, [])        % Close
%   progressbar(1, 0.4)       % Close
% Notes:
%   For best results, call progressbar with all zero (or all string) inputs
% before any processing. This sets the proper starting time reference to
% calculate time remaining.
%   Bar color is choosen randomly when the figure is created or reset. Clicking
% the bar will cause a random color change.
% Demos:
%     % Single bar
%     m = 500;
%     progressbar % Init single bar
%     for i = 1:m
%       pause(0.01) % Do something important
%       progressbar(i/m) % Update progress bar
%     end
%     % Simple multi bar (update one bar at a time)
%     m = 4;
%     n = 3;
%     p = 100;
%     progressbar(0,0,0) % Init 3 bars
%     for i = 1:m
%         progressbar([],0) % Reset 2nd bar
%         for j = 1:n
%             progressbar([],[],0) % Reset 3rd bar
%             for k = 1:p
%                 pause(0.01) % Do something important
%                 progressbar([],[],k/p) % Update 3rd bar
%             end
%             progressbar([],j/n) % Update 2nd bar
%         end
%         progressbar(i/m) % Update 1st bar
%     end
%     % Fancy multi bar (use labels and update all bars at once)
%     m = 4;
%     n = 3;
%     p = 100;
%     progressbar('Monte Carlo Trials','Simulation','Component') % Init 3 bars
%     for i = 1:m
%         for j = 1:n
%             for k = 1:p
%                 pause(0.01) % Do something important
%                 % Update all bars
%                 frac3 = k/p;
%                 frac2 = ((j-1) + frac3) / n;
%                 frac1 = ((i-1) + frac2) / m;
%                 progressbar(frac1, frac2, frac3)
%             end
%         end
%     end
% Author:
%   Steve Hoelzer
% Revisions:
% 2002-Feb-27   Created function
% 2002-Mar-19   Updated title text order
% 2002-Apr-11   Use floor instead of round for percentdone
% 2002-Jun-06   Updated for speed using patch (Thanks to waitbar.m)
% 2002-Jun-19   Choose random patch color when a new figure is created
% 2002-Jun-24   Click on bar or axes to choose new random color
% 2002-Jun-27   Calc time left, reset progress bar when fractiondone == 0
% 2002-Jun-28   Remove extraText var, add position var
% 2002-Jul-18   fractiondone input is optional
% 2002-Jul-19   Allow position to specify screen coordinates
% 2002-Jul-22   Clear vars used in color change callback routine
% 2002-Jul-29   Position input is always specified in pixels
% 2002-Sep-09   Change order of title bar text
% 2003-Jun-13   Change 'min' to 'm' because of built in function 'min'
% 2003-Sep-08   Use callback for changing color instead of string
% 2003-Sep-10   Use persistent vars for speed, modify titlebarstr
% 2003-Sep-25   Correct titlebarstr for 0% case
% 2003-Nov-25   Clear all persistent vars when percentdone = 100
% 2004-Jan-22   Cleaner reset process, don't create figure if percentdone = 100
% 2004-Jan-27   Handle incorrect position input
% 2004-Feb-16   Minimum time interval between updates
% 2004-Apr-01   Cleaner process of enforcing minimum time interval
% 2004-Oct-08   Seperate function for timeleftstr, expand to include days
% 2004-Oct-20   Efficient if-else structure for sec2timestr
% 2006-Sep-11   Width is a multiple of height (don't stretch on widescreens)
% 2010-Sep-21   Major overhaul to support multiple bars and add labels

persistent progfig progdata lastupdate

% Get inputs
if nargin > 0
    input = varargin;
    ninput = nargin;
    % If no inputs, init with a single bar
    input = {0};
    ninput = 1;

% If task completed, close figure and clear vars, then exit
if input{1} == 1
    if ishandle(progfig)
        delete(progfig) % Close progress bar
    clear progfig progdata lastupdate % Clear persistent vars

% Init reset flag 
resetflag = false;

% Set reset flag if first input is a string
if ischar(input{1})
    resetflag = true;

% Set reset flag if all inputs are zero
if input{1} == 0
    % If the quick check above passes, need to check all inputs
    if all([input{:}] == 0) && (length([input{:}]) == ninput)
        resetflag = true;

% Set reset flag if more inputs than bars
if ninput > length(progdata)
    resetflag = true;

% If reset needed, close figure and forget old data
if resetflag
    if ishandle(progfig)
        delete(progfig) % Close progress bar
    progfig = [];
    progdata = []; % Forget obsolete data

% Create new progress bar if needed
if ishandle(progfig)
else % This strange if-else works when progfig is empty (~ishandle() does not)
    % Define figure size and axes padding for the single bar case
    height = 0.03;
    width = height * 8;
    hpad = 0.02;
    vpad = 0.25;
    % Figure out how many bars to draw
    nbars = max(ninput, length(progdata));
    % Adjust figure size and axes padding for number of bars
    heightfactor = (1 - vpad) * nbars + vpad;
    height = height * heightfactor;
    vpad = vpad / heightfactor;
    % Initialize progress bar figure
    left = (1 - width) / 2;
    bottom = (1 - height) / 2;
    progfig = figure(...
        'Units', 'normalized',...
        'Position', [left bottom width height],...
        'NumberTitle', 'off',...
        'Resize', 'off',...
        'MenuBar', 'none' );
    % Initialize axes, patch, and text for each bar
    left = hpad;
    width = 1 - 2*hpad;
    vpadtotal = vpad * (nbars + 1);
    height = (1 - vpadtotal) / nbars;
    for ndx = 1:nbars
        % Create axes, patch, and text
        bottom = vpad + (vpad + height) * (nbars - ndx);
        progdata(ndx).progaxes = axes( ...
            'Position', [left bottom width height], ...
            'XLim', [0 1], ...
            'YLim', [0 1], ...
            'Box', 'on', ...
            'ytick', [], ...
            'xtick', [] );
        progdata(ndx).progpatch = patch( ...
            'XData', [0 0 0 0], ...
            'YData', [0 0 1 1] );
        progdata(ndx).progtext = text(0.99, 0.5, '', ...
            'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', ...
            'FontUnits', 'Normalized', ...
            'FontSize', 0.7 );
        progdata(ndx).proglabel = text(0.01, 0.5, '', ...
            'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', ...
            'FontUnits', 'Normalized', ...
            'FontSize', 0.7 );
        if ischar(input{ndx})
            set(progdata(ndx).proglabel, 'String', input{ndx})
            input{ndx} = 0;
        % Set callbacks to change color on mouse click
        set(progdata(ndx).progaxes, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@changecolor, progdata(ndx).progpatch})
        set(progdata(ndx).progpatch, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@changecolor, progdata(ndx).progpatch})
        set(progdata(ndx).progtext, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@changecolor, progdata(ndx).progpatch})
        set(progdata(ndx).proglabel, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@changecolor, progdata(ndx).progpatch})
        % Pick a random color for this patch
        changecolor([], [], progdata(ndx).progpatch)
        % Set starting time reference
        if ~isfield(progdata(ndx), 'starttime') || isempty(progdata(ndx).starttime)
            progdata(ndx).starttime = clock;
    % Set time of last update to ensure a redraw
    lastupdate = clock - 1;

% Process inputs and update state of progdata
for ndx = 1:ninput
    if ~isempty(input{ndx})
        progdata(ndx).fractiondone = input{ndx};
        progdata(ndx).clock = clock;

% Enforce a minimum time interval between graphics updates
myclock = clock;
if abs(myclock(6) - lastupdate(6)) < 0.01 % Could use etime() but this is faster

% Update progress patch
for ndx = 1:length(progdata)
    set(progdata(ndx).progpatch, 'XData', ...
        [0, progdata(ndx).fractiondone, progdata(ndx).fractiondone, 0])

% Update progress text if there is more than one bar
if length(progdata) > 1
    for ndx = 1:length(progdata)
        set(progdata(ndx).progtext, 'String', ...
            sprintf('%1d%%', floor(100*progdata(ndx).fractiondone)))

% Update progress figure title bar
if progdata(1).fractiondone > 0
    runtime = etime(progdata(1).clock, progdata(1).starttime);
    timeleft = runtime / progdata(1).fractiondone - runtime;
    timeleftstr = sec2timestr(timeleft);
    titlebarstr = sprintf('%2d%%    %s remaining', ...
        floor(100*progdata(1).fractiondone), timeleftstr);
    titlebarstr = ' 0%';
set(progfig, 'Name', titlebarstr)

% Force redraw to show changes

% Record time of this update
lastupdate = clock;

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function changecolor(h, e, progpatch) %#ok<INUSL>
% Change the color of the progress bar patch

% Prevent color from being too dark or too light
colormin = 1.5;
colormax = 2.8;

thiscolor = rand(1, 3);
while (sum(thiscolor) < colormin) || (sum(thiscolor) > colormax)
    thiscolor = rand(1, 3);

set(progpatch, 'FaceColor', thiscolor)

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function timestr = sec2timestr(sec)
% Convert a time measurement from seconds into a human readable string.

% Convert seconds to other units
w = floor(sec/604800); % Weeks
sec = sec - w*604800;
d = floor(sec/86400); % Days
sec = sec - d*86400;
h = floor(sec/3600); % Hours
sec = sec - h*3600;
m = floor(sec/60); % Minutes
sec = sec - m*60;
s = floor(sec); % Seconds

% Create time string
if w > 0
    if w > 9
        timestr = sprintf('%d week', w);
        timestr = sprintf('%d week, %d day', w, d);
elseif d > 0
    if d > 9
        timestr = sprintf('%d day', d);
        timestr = sprintf('%d day, %d hr', d, h);
elseif h > 0
    if h > 9
        timestr = sprintf('%d hr', h);
        timestr = sprintf('%d hr, %d min', h, m);
elseif m > 0
    if m > 9
        timestr = sprintf('%d min', m);
        timestr = sprintf('%d min, %d sec', m, s);
    timestr = sprintf('%d sec', s);

Also thanks in advance already everybody for reading this thread
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like all other trouble shooting, start listing the known data, and steping through your code, one section at a time, until you locate the glitch...welcome to the club
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