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New FAQ - Reference Library 5

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Mar 13, 2003
I have taken some of the material from thread238-172749 and from thread238-105542 and added to it to create faq238-1287, What are good references for Power Engineers?.

I'd like feed back and suggestions for additional titles for the list. The list I've put together obviously has an ANSI/IEEE slant to it because that's what I'm familiar with and would be particularly interested in expanding it to include more material from the rest of the world, but I will limit it to things published in English (or British, American, Australian, or ... ;-)).
Good job. I'll suggest some additional titles when I get more time.
Thanks prc. I've included your suggestions.
Thank you very much, David.
I am sure that most of the regulars here will appreciate your compilation of information sources.
Good work.
Take a look at this link to see if it adds any to your material:

David Baird

Sr Controls Designer
EET degree.
Journeyman Electrician.
Good idea David. I'm very familiar with John's page, it was how I originally found Eng-Tips. I added a mention of it at the end of the general section.
For Power system testing "Electrical Power Equipment Maintenance and Testing" by Paul Gill is considered the "bible" for NETA techs.
Thanks, Zogzog. I've added it to the list.
David, thanks for posting your list. It is fairly comprehensive and a great idea. In looking through your list I think I have all of the ones you listed, but would like to also add a few of my own that I think maybe got over looked.

This list is maybe a little more specific to certain topics, by here are a few of my additions.

"Electrical Transients in Power Systems" by Greenwood-a classic reference on the topic opf power system transients

"Transient Performance of Electric Power Systems
Phenomena in Lumped Networks" by Rheinhold Rudenberg
Another classical text on power system transients

"Electric Power Distribution Handbook" by T.A. Short-A comprhensive book packed with everything you need to know about distribution systems. Comparable and an updated version of the Westinghouse "Green" Utility Distribution Handbook

"Electrical Distibution System Protection" by Cooper Power Systems. A practical guide to distribution system protection, also now available in an updated version.

"Power System Analysis" by J.C. Das. This book gives comprehensive treatment of most aspects related to power systems analysis.

"Industrial Power System Handbook" by Donald Beeman. A bit dated, but another classic book packed full of information. You will find this one referenced many times in other books and papers.

"Electric Power Systems" by B.M. Weedy. Another classical power system text on par with Grainger and Stevenson and Gross.

"Southwire Overhead Conductor Manual" by Southwire. Full of hard to find information

Thanks umrpwr, I've added your suggestions. I have Greenwood in my library but didn't figure it would have a large audience. The Southwire books (I added all three) are ones I got for free from the local Southwire rep years ago, now the Overhead Conductor book is out of print and the other two are $100 and $150 - ouch.

A couple of topics that aren't in the list yet are Motors and Power Electronics. My personal library is a bit short here (Chapman's Electric Machinery Fundamentals, Krishman's Electric Motor Drives, and Mohan's Power Electronics) and I am open to suggestions for these areas and confirmation that books I have might be widely used and worth including in the FAQ.
'Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Designs' by Mohen, Undeland, and Robbins.

'Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics' by P. C. Sen

'Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems' by Theodore Wildi

'An Introduction to Power Electronics' by B.M. Bird, K.G. King, and D.A.G. Pedder
(The latter was my old boss - really nice guy to work for and has forgotten more than I know about power electronics)

'Copper for busbars' published by the Copper Development Association
(My copy was published before I was born, but it's a download now:
The whole 'Modern Power Station Practice' series published by Elsevier

Sometimes I only open my mouth to swap feet...
Excellent list, David. I would also add the McGraw-Hill Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers to the list. It was recently revised.
David, I have a suggestion in your FAQ posting.Under transformers,after Please log to under Miscellaneous Information, Bibliography on Transformer books to find a list of 46 books on Transformer Engineering published since 1892.
Thanks ScottyUK, magoo2, and prc. I have updated the FAQ to include your suggestions.
Here are a few that I have found handy. They are all pfd and you can download them. I keep most of these in my hard drive.

Alabama Power -Transformer Secondary Fault Current Tables

ABB Hard to find information about distribution systems.

The REA substation manual, They also have an underground and overhead design manual.

You should check out all the manuals on this page and download the ones that are of use to you. They are pfd and pretty good (and free).

Geez, has it really been 2 months already since I was going to get back to this when I had a chance? Wow. The FAQ has been updated. The ABB looks interesting (I used a snipurl address for it so that the last part wouldn't be truncated). The Alabama Power (Southern Company) link doesn't seem to work now and so it wasn't included.
Thanks. Really helpful.
Good list folks...

My favorite book which has a slight IEC slant but covers ANSI as well is "Industrial Power Engineering and applications handbook" by K.C Agrawal.

I use it all the time. It covers a breadth of areas in power system design and has a very good real world applications point of view...which is sometimes hard to find. It would really blow my mind if anyone was disappointed with this book!

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