A Designer's Guide to Simulation with Finite Element Analysis
* June 2008
Authors: Vince Adams
"Node news is good news."
* June 2008
Authors: Vince Adams
Vince Adams said:This book is an overview of methods and best-practices for mechanical design engineers and designers who are using or plan to utilize Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to validate design concepts or predict and correct product failure. The target readership is part-time users of CAD (Computer Aided Design) embedded analysis packages or those whose interface relies primarily on geometric references. This should not imply that the information presented herein is not important to users of other, more complete, analysis packages or that these users are by default any more capable of successfully simulating product performance. The assumption, right or wrong, is that with the greater investment required by purchasers of more complete tools, comes more investment in training and time to learn proper modeling practices. On the other hand, many users of design analysis tools receive little training beyond a basic software introduction, if even that. These design engineers or designers are typically reliant on whatever educational material is provided by their vendor and much of this is tool related. This book should pick up where that material left off.
"Node news is good news."