- Apr 24, 2006
- 3
I am an architect trying to do basic cut/fill calcs for a residential discretionary permit. We have AutoCAD models of the topo and the architecture, so it is easy to add, intersect, and subtract volumes, then do a massprop on the result to find the volume. I have gleaned various details from various posts on this site, but thought I would bundle them toghther and post them to verify that I am on the right track. My assumptions are as follows:
1) Cut calculations should include the volume of retaining walls, footings, slabs, sand & gravel under slabs, and topsoil removed.
2) Cut calculations should be factored up for "swell" of 15% to 25% to account for expansion if earth is to be exported.
3) Fill calculations should account for "shirnkage" or compaction of the earth after grading.
4) If earth is cut then recompacted elsewhere as fill, the resulting volume will be approximately 15% LESS than before grading.
I also have a bonus question:
I am on a canyon in San Diego and anticipate that the soil will be comprised of several feet of silty sand/gravel fill with sandstone below. If we are going to plant native species on the site after grading, will we need to import "topsoil" or can we re-use the top several feet of the cut and call that topsoil?
Any other insights or comments you have would be most welcome.
I am an architect trying to do basic cut/fill calcs for a residential discretionary permit. We have AutoCAD models of the topo and the architecture, so it is easy to add, intersect, and subtract volumes, then do a massprop on the result to find the volume. I have gleaned various details from various posts on this site, but thought I would bundle them toghther and post them to verify that I am on the right track. My assumptions are as follows:
1) Cut calculations should include the volume of retaining walls, footings, slabs, sand & gravel under slabs, and topsoil removed.
2) Cut calculations should be factored up for "swell" of 15% to 25% to account for expansion if earth is to be exported.
3) Fill calculations should account for "shirnkage" or compaction of the earth after grading.
4) If earth is cut then recompacted elsewhere as fill, the resulting volume will be approximately 15% LESS than before grading.
I also have a bonus question:
I am on a canyon in San Diego and anticipate that the soil will be comprised of several feet of silty sand/gravel fill with sandstone below. If we are going to plant native species on the site after grading, will we need to import "topsoil" or can we re-use the top several feet of the cut and call that topsoil?
Any other insights or comments you have would be most welcome.