- Jul 25, 2006
- 2
I receieved about 10 minutes of training before being cut loose with a nuclear density guage. I was not issued a radiation badge and was not aware such things exsisted. Furthermore, the boss who instructed me on the guages use repeatedly told me to extend the rod out on the guage's casing to the desired depth (12") on the handle, before placing it in the hole that had been hammered into the soil for testing. This is how he did it and instructed me to do it. The handle on the guage is difficult to work with and "tight" so the guage was places on it's side while the rod was extended out from the casing the the guage lifted by hand and placed into the soil hole for measurements. From what I've read online, this was not the right way to operate a guage. Was this risky? Should it be something I'm concerned about in regards to my health or anyone elses? How risky? What should be done now?